Exam 3 (17–26)ΒΆ

1995 NovΒΆ

Instructions. Each of the following 10 problems will be scored from 0 to 10. Please begin each problem on a separate sheet and write on only one side of each sheet.

The following notations are used in the problem statements:

  • \(ℝ\) is the set of real numbers;

  • \(β„•\) is the set \(\{0,1,2,\dots\}\);

  • \(m^βˆ—\) is Lebesgue outer measure, which is defined on the set of all subsets of \(ℝ\).

  • \(m\) is Lebesgue measure, which is the restriction of \(m^βˆ—\) to the set of Lebesgue measurable susbsets of \(ℝ\).

Problem 17

Define the following terms:

  1. Lebesgue outer measure (which is denoted by \(m^βˆ—\)).

  2. Lebesgue measurable subset of \(ℝ\) (give Caratheodory’s definition).

  3. Borel subsets of \(ℝ\).

  4. Lebesgue measurable function (defined on a subset of \(ℝ\) and taking values in \(ℝ\)).

  5. Borel function (defined on a subset of \(ℝ\) and taking values in \(ℝ\)).

Problem 18

Suppose that \(A βŠ† ℝ\) and \(m^βˆ— A = 0\). Prove that \(A\) is a Lebesgue measurable subset of \(ℝ\).

Problem 19

Suppose that \(f: [0,∞) β†’ ℝ\), \(f\) is uniformly continuous, and \(∫_0^∞ |f(x)|\, dm(x) < ∞\). Prove that \(\lim\limits_{xβ†’ ∞} f(x) = 0\).

Problem 20

Suppose that \(f, g: ℝ β†’ ℝ\), \(f\) and \(g\) are continuous, \(∫_ℝ |f(x)|\, dm(x) < ∞\) and \(∫_ℝ |g(x)|\, dm(x) < ∞\). For each \(x∈ ℝ\), define \(f ⋆ g (x) := ∫_ℝ f(x-t)g(t)\, dm(t)\). Prove that \(∫_ℝ |f ⋆ g (x)|\, dm(x) < ∞\).

Problem 21

State a version of Fatou’s lemma (which concerns a relationship between integrals of limits and limits of integrals). Give an example to show that strict inequality can obtain in your version of Fatou’s lemma.

Problem 22

Suppose that \(f: [0,1]β†’ ℝ\), \(f\) is a Lebesgue measurable function, and, whenever \(Ο†: [0,1]→ℝ\) and \(Ο†\) is continuous, we have \(∫_0^1 f(x) Ο†(x)\, dm(x) = 0\). Prove that \(f(x) = 0\) for \(m\)-almost every \(x∈ [0,1]\). (Hint: Prove that \(∫_0^xf(t) \, dm(t) = 0\) for all \(x∈ [0,1]\) and finish by citing a major theorem.)

Problem 23

Suppose that \((X, 𝔐, ΞΌ)\) is a measure space, \((A_n)_{n=1}^∞\) is a sequence from \(𝔐\), and \(A_n βŠ† A_{n+1}\) whenever \(n∈ β„•\). Prove that

\[\lim\limits_{nβ†‘βˆž} ΞΌ A_n = ΞΌ \left(⋃_{n=0}^∞ A_n\right).\]
Problem 24

Suppose that \(ΞΌ\) is a measure on the Borel subsets of \([0,1]\), \(ΞΌ[0,1]<∞\), \(f:[0,1] β†’ ℝ\), \(f\) is a Borel function, and \(f\) is integrable with respect to \(ΞΌ\) on \([0,1]\). Define \(F: [0,1] β†’ ℝ\) by the rule \(F(x) = ∫_{[0,x]} f(t) \, dΞΌ(t)\). Prove that \(F\) is of bounded variation on \([0,1]\). State conditions on \(f\) and \(ΞΌ\) which imply that \(F\) is absolutely continuous on \([0,1]\).

Problem 25

Let \((Ξ©_j, Ο„_j)\) be a topological space for each \(j∈ J\). Define the corresponding product topology, \(Ο„\), on the Cartesian product \(∏_{j∈ J} Ξ©_j\). State Tychonoff’s theorem.

Problem 26

State the Baire category theorem for a general complete metric space and cite an application of the theorem; no details are required in the citation.

Solution to Problem 18

Let \(A βŠ† ℝ\) and assume \(m^βˆ— A = 0\). We must show that \(A\) is Lebesgue measurable subset of \(ℝ\).

Equivalently, we show that \(m^βˆ—(B) = m^βˆ—(B ∩ A) + m^βˆ—(B ∩ A^c)\) for every \(B βŠ† ℝ\).

Indeed, by subadditivity of \(m^βˆ—\) we have \(m^βˆ—(B) ≀ m^βˆ—(B ∩ A) + m^βˆ—(B ∩ A^c)\), so we need only prove \(β‰₯\).

Recall, a measure is called complete if every subset of a negligible set is measurable and negligible.

Since \(B∩ A βŠ† A\) and since Lebesgue outer measure is complete, we have

(13)ΒΆ\[m^βˆ—(B ∩ A) = 0.\]

By monotonicity of \(m^βˆ—\) under the partial ordering \(βŠ†\), we have

(14)ΒΆ\[m^βˆ—(B ∩ A^c) ≀ m^βˆ—(B) \quad (∡ B∩ A^c βŠ† B).\]

By (13) and (14), \(m^βˆ—(B) β‰₯ m^βˆ—(B ∩ A) + m^βˆ—(B ∩ A^c)\).


Solution to Problem 19

Suppose that \(f: [0,∞) β†’ ℝ\), \(f\) is uniformly continuous, and \(∫_0^∞ |f(x)|\, dm(x) < ∞\). Prove that \(\lim\limits_{xβ†’ ∞} f(x) = 0\).

Suppose on the contrary that \(\lim\limits_{xβ†’ ∞} f(x) β‰  0\). Then there exists \(Ξ΅>0\) such that for all \(M>0\) \(βˆƒ x > M\)

\[(βˆƒΞ΅>0)\, (βˆ€ M>0) \, (βˆƒ x > M), \, |f(x)| > Ξ΅.\]

Fix such an \(Ξ΅>0\). Since \(f\) is uniformly continuous, \(βˆƒ Ξ΄>0\) such that

\[|f(x) - f(y)| < Ξ΅/2 \quad \text{ for all }\; |x - y| < Ξ΄.\]

Taking \(Ξ΄' = \min \{Ξ΄, 1/2\}\) if necessary, we can assume without loss of generality that our original \(Ξ΄\) is \(< 1\).


\[βˆ‘_{n=0}^∞ ∫_{[n,n+1]} |f(x)| \, dm(x) ≀ ∫_0^∞ |f(x)|\, dm(x) < ∞,\]

so there exists \(N>0\) such that

(15)ΒΆ\[βˆ‘_{n=N+1}^∞ ∫_{[n,n+1]} |f(x)| \, dm(x) < Ξ΅ β‹… Ξ΄.\]

Next, find \(x > N+2\) such that \(|f(x)| >Ξ΅\) and

\(|f(x) - f(y)| < Ξ΅/2\) for all \(|x - y| < Ξ΄\).

By the triangle inequality, \(|f(x)| ≀ |f(x) - f(y)| + |f(y)|\), so

\[|f(y)| β‰₯ |f(x)|- |f(x) - f(y)| > Ξ΅/2 \quad \text{ for all } \; |x-y|< Ξ΄.\]


(16)ΒΆ\[∫_{[x-Ξ΄ , x+Ξ΄]} |f(x)| \, dm(x) β‰₯ \frac{Ξ΅}{2} m[x-Ξ΄, x+Ξ΄] = Ξ΅ β‹… Ξ΄.\]

On the other hand, since \(x>N+2\), we have \([x-Ξ΄ , x+Ξ΄] βŠ† [N,∞)\).

Therefore, by (15) and (16),

\[Ξ΅ β‹… Ξ΄ ≀ ∫_{[x-Ξ΄ , x+Ξ΄]} |f(x)| \, dm(x) ≀ ∫_{[N+1, ∞)} |f(x)| \, dm(x) = βˆ‘_{n=N+1}^∞ ∫_{[n,n+1]} |f(x)| \, dm(x) < Ξ΅ β‹… Ξ΄,\]

which is a contradiction. Therefore, \(f(x) β†’ 0\) as \(x β†’ ∞\).


Solution to Problem 20

Since the function \(ψ(x,y) := x-y\) is a continuous mapping from \(ℝ^2\) to \(ℝ\), the function

\[F(x,y) := (f ∘ ψ)(x,y) = f(x-y)`\]

is also continuous and therefore measurable.

Since the second projection function \(Ο€_2: ℝ^2 β†’ ℝ\)β€”defined for all \((x,y) ∈ ℝ^2\) by \(Ο€_2(x,y) := y\)β€”is continuous, so is the function \(G(x,y) := (g ∘ Ο€_2)(x,y) = g(y)\); the latter is thus measurable.

Therefore, the function

\[H(x,y) = F(x,y) G(x,y) = f(x-y) g(y)\]

is a measurable function on \(ℝ^2\).

Next note the analogy with the functions defined in Fubini’s theorem:

(17)ΒΆ\[Ο†(x) = ∫_Y H(x,y)\, dΞ½(y) = ∫_ℝ f(x-y)g(y) \, dm(y) = (f βˆ— g)(x).\]

In the present context, \((X, 𝔐, ΞΌ) = (Y, 𝔑, Ξ½) = (ℝ, ℬ(ℝ), m)\).

Now applying Part 2 of Fubini’s theorem, we consider the integral with respect to \(x\) first:

\[\begin{split}∬_{ℝ^2} |f(x-y)||g(y)| \, dm(x) \, dm(y) &=∫_ℝ |g(y)| ∫_ℝ |f(x-y)| \, dm(x) \, dm(y)\\ &=∫_ℝ |g(y)| \, dm(y) ∫_ℝ |f(x)| \, dm(x) < ∞.\end{split}\]

The second equality holds by translation invariance of Lebesgue measure.

Therefore, Fubini’s theorem implies \(H ∈ L_1(m Γ— m)\).

Finally, Fubini’s theorem Part 3 (iii) says that \(H ∈ L_1(m Γ— m)\) implies \(Ο† ∈ L_1(m)\).

By (17), this is equivalent to

\[∫ |Ο†| \, dm = ∫_ℝ | (f βˆ— g)(x)| \, dm(x) < ∞.\]


Solution to Problem 21

Fatou’s lemma (relating integrals of limits and limits of integrals) asserts the following: if \(\{f_n\}\) is a sequence of nonnegative, extended, real-valued, measurable functions then \(∫\varliminf f_n ≀ \varliminf ∫ f_n\).

We now describe a witness to strict inequality. Define \(f_n = \frac{1}{n}Ο‡_{[0,n]}\) for \(n =1,2,\dots\). Then \(\varliminf f_n(x) = 0\) for all \(x\) and \(∫ f_n = 1\) for all \(n\), so

\[∫\varliminf f_n = 0 < 1 = \varliminf ∫ f_n.\]


Solution to Problem 22

Let \(f: [0,1]β†’ ℝ\) be a Lebesgue measurable function, and assume that for all \(Ο† ∈ C([0,1],ℝ)\) we have \(∫_0^1 f(x) Ο†(x)\, dm(x) = 0\).

We wish to prove that \(f(x) = 0\) for almost every \(x∈ [0,1]\).

First observe that \(f∈ L_1[0,1]\). Indeed, take \(Ο†\) to be the constant function \(Ο† ≑ 1\), so that

\[∫_0^1f(t) \, dm(t) = ∫_0^1f(t) Ο†(x)\, dm(t) = 0,\]

so the integral \(∫_0^1f(t) \, dm(t)\) exists, which by definition means that \(∫_0^1 f^+\) and \(∫_0^1 f^-\) both exist, which is true if and only if \(∫_0^1 |f|\) exists. (See the theorem on integrability of a measurable function.)

Next, we prove the assertion given in the hint. That is, \(∫_0^xf(t) \, dm(t) = 0\) for all \(x∈ [0,1]\).

Indeed, if \(x=1\), take \(Ο† ≑ 1\) so that \(∫_0^xf(t) \, dm(t) = ∫_0^1f(t) Ο†(x)\, dm(t) = 0\).

If \(0≀ x<1\), then for each \(n =1,2,\dots\) define

\[\begin{split}Ο†_n(t) = \begin{cases} 1, & 0≀ t ≀ x-1/n\\ -n t,& x-1/n < t≀ x\\0, & x<t≀ 1.\end{cases}\end{split}\]

Then \(Ο†_n ∈ C([0,1],ℝ)\) and \(\lim_{nβ†’βˆž}f(x)Ο†_n(x) = f(x)Ο‡_{[0,x]}(x)\). Also,

\[-|f| ≀ -|f| Ο†_n ≀ f Ο†_n ≀ |f| Ο†_n ≀ |f|,\]

holds for all \(n\), so the bounded convergence theorem gives the penultimate eequality in the following calculation.

\[\begin{split}∫_0^x f(t)\, dm(t) &= ∫_0^1f(x)Ο‡_{[0,x]}(x)\, dm(t)\\ &= ∫_0^1 \lim_{nβ†’βˆž}f(x)Ο†_n(x)\, dm(x)\\ &= \lim_{nβ†’βˆž}∫_0^1f(x)Ο†_n(x) = 0.\end{split}\]

It follows for all \(0≀ a ≀ b ≀ 1\) that

\[∫_0^a f(t)\, dm(t) = ∫_0^bf(x)\, dm(t) = 0,\]

and therefore,

(18)¢\[∫_a^b f(t)\, dm(t) = ∫_0^bf(x)\, dm(t) - ∫_0^a f(t)\, dm(t) = 0.\]

Now let \(B := \{x ∈ [0,1] : f(x) >0\} = f^{-1}((0,∞])\), which is measurable since \(f\) is measurable. We will prove \(m B = 0\).

Recall the (Borel) measurable sets in \([0,1]\) are generated by the half-open intervals of the form \((a,b]\).

Since \(B\) is measurable, either we can find an interval \((a,b] βŠ† B\), or else \(B\) is a set of measure 0.

If \(m B > 0\), then there exists \(0≀ a < b ≀ 1\) such that \((a,b] βŠ† B\). Since \(f>0\) on \((a,b]\), we then have \(∫_a^b f(x) \, dm(x) >0\), which contradicts (18). Therefore, we must have \(m B = 0\).

Similarly, the set \(C := \{x∈ [0,1] : f(x) <0\}\) is negligible, so

\[B βˆͺ C = \{x ∈ [0,1] : f(x) β‰  0\}\]

is negligible. This proves that \(f(x) = 0\) for almost every \(x∈ [0,1]\).


Solution to Problem 23

Let \((X, 𝔐, ΞΌ)\) be a measure space and \(\{A_n\}_{n=1}^∞ βŠ† 𝔐\) a sequence of measurable sets such that \(A_n βŠ† A_{n+1}\) for all \(n∈ β„•\). We must show,

(19)ΒΆ\[\lim\limits_{n β†’ ∞} ΞΌ A_n = ΞΌ \left(⋃_{n=1}^∞ A_n\right).\]

Define \(A:= ⋃_{n=1}^∞ A_n\) and consider the sequence \(\{Ο‡_{A_n}\}\) of characteristic functions of the \(A_n\).

Clearly \(A_n βŠ† A_{n+1}\) (\(βˆ€ n\)) implies \(0≀ Ο‡_{A_1} ≀ \cdots ≀ Ο‡_{A_n} ≀ Ο‡_{A_{n+1}} ≀ \cdots ≀ Ο‡_A ≀ Ο‡_X = 1\), and \(\lim_{nβ†’ ∞} Ο‡_{A_n} = Ο‡_A\), so the monotone convergence theorem yields the second equality in the following calculation:

\[\lim_{nβ†’ ∞} ΞΌ A_n = \lim_{nβ†’ ∞} βˆ«Ο‡_{A_n}\, dΞΌ = ∫\lim_{nβ†’ ∞} Ο‡_{A_n}\, dΞΌ = βˆ«Ο‡_A\, dΞΌ = ΞΌA = ΞΌ\left(⋃_{n=1}^∞A_n\right).\]

Thus (19) is proved.


Solution to Problem 24

Let \(ΞΌ\) be a finite measure on the Borel subsets of \([0,1]\). Let \(f:[0,1] β†’ ℝ\) be a Borel function, and assume \(f ∈ L_1([0,1],ΞΌ)\). Define \(F: [0,1] β†’ ℝ\) by the rule

(20)¢\[F(x) = ∫_{[0,x]} f(t) \, dμ(t).\]

Claim. \(F\) is of bounded variation on \([0,1]\).

Proof. By (20) we have \(F(x_{i})-F(x_{i-1}) = ∫_{x_{i-1}}^{x_{i}} f(t) \, dμ(t)\),


\[|F(x_{i})-F(x_{i-1})| ≀ ∫_{x_{i-1}}^{x_{i}} |f(t)| \, dΞΌ(t).\]

Since \(f∈ L_1\) we have \(∫_0^1 |f(t)| \, dμ(t) < ∞\), and for every partition \(0=x_0 < \cdots < x_n = 1\),

\[\begin{split}βˆ‘_{i=1}^n|F(x_{i})-F(x_{i-1})| &≀ βˆ‘_{i=1}^n\left|∫_{x_{i-1}}^{x_{i}} f(t) \, dΞΌ(t)\right|\\ &≀ βˆ‘_{i=1}^n∫_{x_{i-1}}^{x_{i}} |f(t)| \, dΞΌ(t)\\ &= ∫_0^1 |f(t)| \, dΞΌ(t) < ∞,\end{split}\]

which proves that \(F ∈ BV[0,1]\).



To complete the solution we must give conditions on \(f\) and \(ΞΌ\) under which \(F\) is absolutely continuous on \([0,1]\).

Solution to Problem 25

For the first part, see the definition of product topology in the appendix of definitions.

For the second part, see the statement of Tychonoff’s theorem in the appendix of theorems.


Solution to Problem 26

Here’s a version of the Baire category theorem:

Let \(X\) be a complete metric space and let \(GβŠ† X\) be an open set. If \(G = ⋃_{n=1}^∞ G_n\) then \((GΜ„_n)^Β° β‰  βˆ…\) for at least one \(n∈ β„•\).

Here’s another version:

If \(\{A_n: n ∈ β„•\}\) is a (countable) collection of dense subsets of \(X\), then \(β‹‚_{n=0}^∞ A_n\) is dense.

Here’s a corollary:

A complete metric space is not a countable union of nowhere dense sets.

Here’s an application:

Often we want to prove that a particular set has a nonempty interior. For example, the Baire category theorem can be used to prove the following:

Proposition. If \(T: X β†’ Y\) is a linear map from one Banach space to another, then \(T\) is bounded iff the set \(T^{-1}\{y∈ Y ∣ \|y\|_Y ≀ 1\}\) has a nonempty interior.

A related application due to Stefan Banach and Hugo Steinhaus is the uniform boundedness principle which asserts the following:

Let \(β„±\) be a family of mappings from one Banach space \(X\) to another \(Y\). Suppose that for each \(x ∈ X\) the set \(\{f(x) ∣ f ∈ β„±\}\) is bounded; i.e., \(βˆƒ M_x\) such that \(\|f(x)\|_Y ≀ M_x\) for all \(f ∈ β„±\). Then \(β„±\) is uniformly bounded; i.e., \(βˆƒ M\) such that that \(\|f(x)\|_Y ≀ M \|x\|_X\) for all \(x∈ X\) and all \(f ∈ β„±\). Equivalently, \(\|f\| = \sup\{\|f(x)\|_Y : \|x\|_X = 1\} ≀ M\).


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Complex Analysis Exams

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