\[\newcommand{\FGrp}{F_{\mathbf{Grp}}} \newcommand{\Sg}{\mathsf{Sg}} \newcommand{\Hom}{\mathsf{Hom}} \newcommand{\hom}{\mathsf{Hom}} \newcommand{\epi}{\mathsf{Epi}} \newcommand{\aut}{\mathsf{Aut}} \newcommand{\mono}{\mathsf{Mono}} \newcommand{\Af}{\langle A, f \rangle} \newcommand{\dom}{\mathsf{dom}}\newcommand{\cod}{\mathsf{cod}} \newcommand{\ran}{\mathsf{ran}} \newcommand{\id}{\mathsf{id}} \newcommand{\Id}{\mathsf{id}} \newcommand{\im}{\mathrm{im}} \newcommand{\Proj}{\mathsf{pr}} \newcommand{\Con}{\mathsf{Con}} \newcommand{\Clo}{\mathsf{Clo}}\newcommand{\Pol}{\mathsf{Pol}} \newcommand{\Op}{\mathsf{Op}} \newcommand{\Th}{\mathsf{Th}} \newcommand{\Mod}{\mathsf{Mod}} \newcommand{\src}{\mathsf{src}} \newcommand{\tar}{\mathsf{tar}} \newcommand{\eval}{\mathsf{eval}} \newcommand{\fork}{\mathsf{fork}}\newcommand{\Type}{\mathsf{Type}} \newcommand{\comp}{\circ} \newcommand{\tick}{\mathsf{tick}} \newcommand{\Time}{\mathsf{Time}}\newcommand{\Tree}{\mathsf{Tree}}\newcommand{\Term}{\mathsf{Term}} \newcommand{\Mod}{\mathsf{Mod}}\newcommand{\Th}{\mathsf{Th}} \newcommand{\inv}{\ ^{-1}}\]


abelian group

A group is called abelian just in case its binary operation is commutative; in that case we usually let \(0\) (instead of \(e\)) denote the additive identity, we let \(-\) (instead of \(^{-1}\)) denote the additive inverse, and we let \(+\) (instead of \(โ‹…\)) denote binary addition. Thus, an abelian group is a group \(โŸจA, 0, -, +โŸฉ\) such that \(a+b = b+a\) for all \(a, b โˆˆ A\).

absolutely continuous measure

Let \(ฮผ\) be a positive measure on a ฯƒ-algebraย \(๐”\), and let \(ฮป\) be an arbitrary complex measure on \(๐”\). 1

If \(โˆ€ E โˆˆ ๐”\), \(ฮผ E = 0 \; โŸน \; ฮป E = 0\), then we call \(ฮป\) absolutely continuous with respect to \(ฮผ\), and we write \(ฮป โ‰ช ฮผ\).

absolutely continuous function

A real- or complex-valued function \(F\) on \(โ„\) is called absolutely continuous on the interval \([a,b] โŠ† โ„\), denoted \(F โˆˆ AC[a,b]\), if for every \(ฮต > 0\) there exists \(ฮด > 0\) such that for each finite set \(\{(a_1, b_1), \dots, (a_N, b_N)\}\) of disjoint intervals in \([a,b]\), we have

\[โˆ‘_{i=1}^N (b_i-a_i) < ฮด \quad โŸน \quad โˆ‘_{i=1}^N |F(b_i)-F(a_i)| < ฮต.\]
abstract category

An abstract category is one whose objects are not sets or whose morphisms are not functions defined on sets. Our next example is somewhere in between. The objects are sets, but the morphisms are not necessarily total functions; that is, they may be defined on only a part of the source object.

algebraic lattice

a lattice generated by its compact elements.

accumulation point

See limit point.


Let \(๐” = \{M_ฮป: ฮปโˆˆ ฮ›\}\) be a collection of sets and let \(R\) be a ring. An \(R\)-valued function \(s: ๐” โ†’ R\) defined on the collection \(๐”\) is called additive if for every subset \(ฮ“ โŠ† ฮ›\) such that \(\{M_ฮณ : ฮณ โˆˆ ฮ“\}\) is a subcollection of pairwise disjoint subsets in \(๐”\), we have

\[s \bigl( โ‹ƒ_{ฮณโˆˆฮ“} M_ฮณ \bigr) = โˆ‘_{ฮณโˆˆ ฮ“} s (M_ฮณ).\]

Suppose that \(X\) and \(Y\) are normed linear spaces and \(T โˆˆ ๐”…(X, Y)\) (a bounded linear transformation). The adjoint (or transpose) of \(T\) is denoted by \(T^โ€ : Y^โˆ— โ†’ X^โˆ—\) and defined for each \(fโˆˆ Y^โˆ—\) by \(T^โ€  f = f T\).

It is not hard to show that \(T^โ€  โˆˆ ๐”…(Y^โˆ—, X^โˆ—)\) and \(\|T^โ€ \| = \|T\|\).


See algebraic structure.

algebra of functions

Let \(F\) be a field and let \(F^X\) denote the collection of all functions from \(X\) to \(F\). A subset \(๐”„ โŠ† F^X\) of \(F\)-valued functions on \(X\) is called an algebra if it is closed under point-wise product. That is, for all \(f, g โˆˆ ๐”„\), the function \(h = f โ‹… g\) defined by \(h: x โ†ฆ f(x) โ‹… g(x)\) also belongs to \(๐”„\).

algebra of sets

Let \(X\) be a nonempty set. An algebra of sets on \(X\) is a nonempty collection \(๐”„\) of subsets of \(X\) that is closed under finite unions and complements. (Some authors call this a โ€œfield of sets.โ€)

algebraic structure

An algebraic structure in the signature \(ฯƒ = (F, ฯ)\) (or, \(ฯƒ\)-algebra) is denoted by \(๐”ธ = โŸจA, F^๐”ธโŸฉ\) and consists of

  1. \(A\) := a set, called the carrier (or universe) of the algebra,

  2. \(F^๐”ธ = \{ f^๐”ธ โˆฃ f โˆˆ F, \ f^๐”ธ: (ฯ f โ†’ A) โ†’ A \}\) := a set of operations on \(A\), and

  3. a collection of identities satisfied by elements of \(A\) and operations in \(F^๐”ธ\).


A subset \(A\) of the preordered set \(X\) is called an antichain if for all \(x, y โˆˆ A\) we have \(x โ‰ค y\) implies \(y โ‰ค x\).


A binary relation \(R\) on a set \(X\) is called antisymmetric provided \(โˆ€ x, y โˆˆ X \ (x \mathrel{R} y โˆง y\mathrel{R} x \ โ†’ \ x=y)\).


Given a signature \(ฯƒ = (F, ฯ)\), each operation symbol \(f โˆˆ F\) is assigned a value \(ฯ f\), called the arity of \(f\). (Intuitively, the arity can be thought of as the โ€œnumber of argumentsโ€ that \(f\) takes as โ€œinputโ€.)

associative algebra

If \(๐”ธ\) is a bilinear algebra with an associative productโ€”\((a โ‹… b) โ‹… c = a โ‹… (b โ‹… c)\) for all \(a, b, c โˆˆ A\)โ€”then \(๐”ธ\) is called an associative algebra.

Thus an associative algebra over a field has both a vector space reduct and a ring reduct.

An example of an associative algebra is the space of linear transformations (endomorphisms) of a vector space into itself.

Baire category theorem

No nonempty complete metric space is of the first category.

Banach space

A Banach space is a normed linear space \((X, \|\,โ‹…\,\|)\) such that \(X\) is complete in the metric defined by its norm. (That is, each Cauchy sequence in \((X, \|\,โ‹…\,\|)\) converges to a point in \(X\).)


Let \((X, ฯ„)\) be a topological space and let \(x โˆˆ X\). A collection \(โ„ฌ_x\) of neighborhoods of \(x\) is called a base for \(ฯ„\) at \(x\) provided for every neighborhood \(V\) of \(x\), there exists \(B โˆˆ โ„ฌ_x\) such that \(B โŠ† V\). A collection \(โ„ฌ\) of open sets is called a base for \(ฯ„\) provided it contains a base for \(ฯ„\) at every point of \(X\).

bilinear algebra

Let \(๐”ฝ= โŸจ F, 0, 1, -\, , +, โ‹…โŸฉ\) be a field. An algebra \(๐”ธ = โŸจ A, 0, -\, , +, โ‹…, f_rโŸฉ_{rโˆˆ F}\) is a bilinear algebra over \(๐”ฝ\) provided \(โŸจA, 0, -, +, โ‹…, f_rโŸฉ_{r โˆˆ F}\) is a vector space over \(๐”ฝ\) and for all \(a, b, c โˆˆ A\) and all \(r โˆˆ F\), we have

\[\begin{split}(a + b) โ‹… c &= (a โ‹… c) + (b โ‹… c)\\ c โ‹… (a + b) &= (cโ‹… a) + (cโ‹… b)\\ aโ‹… f_r(b) &= f_r(aโ‹… b) = f_r(a)โ‹… b.\end{split}\]

If, in addition, \((a โ‹… b) โ‹… c = a โ‹… (b โ‹… c)\) for all \(a, b, c โˆˆ A\), then \(๐”ธ\) is called an associative algebra over \(๐”ฝ\). Thus an associative algebra over a field has both a vector space reduct and a ring reduct. An example of an associative algebra is the space of linear transformations (endomorphisms) of any vector space into itself.

binary operation

An operation \(f\) on a set \(A\) is called binary if the arity of \(f\) is 2. That is, \(f: A ร— A โ†’ A\) (or, in curried form, \(f: A โ†’ A โ†’ A\)).

Borel function

See Borel measurable function.

Borel measurable function

If \(โ„ฌ(X)\) and \(โ„ฌ(Y)\) are Borel ฯƒ-algebras of \(X\) and \(Y\), respectively, then a \((โ„ฌ(X), โ„ฌ(Y))\)-measurable function is called a Borel measurable function (or just Borel function). Equivalently, \(f\) is a Borel function iff \(f^{-1}(B) โˆˆ โ„ฌ(X)\) for every \(Bโˆˆ โ„ฌ(Y)\).

Boolean algebra homomorphism

a lattice homomorphism that also preserves complementation (but every lattice homomorphism between Boolean lattices automatically preserves complementation, so we may characterize the morphisms of this category more simply as the lattice homomorphisms).

We call a function \(ฯ†: โ„^n โ†’ โ„\) Borel measurable (or a Borel function or just Borel) if it is \((โ„ฌ(โ„) โŠ— \cdots โŠ— โ„ฌ(โ„))\)-measurable, where the \(โŠ—\)-product has \(n\) factors.

Borel measure

A Borel measure is a measure whose domain is a Borel ฯƒ-algebra.

Borel set

The members of a Borel ฯƒ-algebra are called Borel sets; included among them are the open sets, closed sets, countable intersections of open sets, countable unions of closed sets, and so forth.

Borel ฯƒ-algebra

If \(X\) is a metric or topological space, then the ฯƒ-algebra generated by the family of open sets in \(X\) is called the Borel ฯƒ-algebra on \(X\), which we denote by \(โ„ฌ(X)\).

bounded linear functional

Let \(X\) be a normed linear space over the field \(F\). A bounded linear functional on \(X\) is a bounded linear transformation with codomain \(F\).

We denote by \(๐”…(X,F)\) the collection of all bounded linear functionals on \(X\).

bounded linear transformation

Let \(X\) and \(Y\) be two normed linear spaces. A linear transformation \(T: X โ†’ Y\) is called bounded if there exists \(C > 0\) such that

\[\|Tx\| โ‰ค C \|x\| \; \text{ for all } x โˆˆ X.\]

We denote the space of all bounded linear transformations from \(X\) to \(Y\) by \(๐”…(X,Y)\).

bounded set

A set \(E\) in a metric space is called bounded if it has finite diameter, \(\mathrm{diam} E < โˆž\).

bounded variation

For \(f: [a, b] โ†’ โ„\) define

\[F(x) = \sup โˆ‘_{i=1}^N |f(t_i)- f(t_{i-1})| \quad (a โ‰ค x โ‰ค b),\]

where the supremum is taken over all \(N\) and over all choices of \(\{t_i\}\) such that \(a = t_0 < t_1 < \cdots < t_N = x\). If \(F(b)< โˆž\), then we say \(f\) is of bounded variation on \([a,b]\) and we write \(fโˆˆ BV[a,b]\).

If in addition \(f\) is absolutely continuous on \([a,b]\), then the functions \(F\), \(F+ f\), and \(F - f\) are nondecreasing and absolutely continuous on \([a,b]\). (See [Rud87] 7.19.)

Cartesian product

See product.

Cauchy sequence

A sequence \(\{x_n\}\) in a metric space \((X, d)\) is called a Cauchy sequence if for all \(\epsilon >0\) there exists \(N>0\) such that \(d(x_m, x_n) < \epsilon\) for all \(n, m \geq N\).

canonical normal form

See the ncatlab page on normal forms.

category of categories

has categories as objects and functors as morphisms.


is short for the Axiom of Choice.

characteristic function

The characteristic function \(ฯ‡_A\) of a subset \(A โŠ† X\) is the function \(ฯ‡_A: X โ†’ \{0,1\}\) that is 1 if and only if \(x โˆˆ A\); that is, \(ฯ‡_A(x) = 0\) if \(x โˆ‰ A\) and \(ฯ‡_A(x) = 1\) if \(x โˆˆ A\).


Let \(โŸจ X, โ‰ค โŸฉ\) be a preordered set and \(C โŠ† X\). We call \(C\) a chain of \(โŸจ X, โ‰ค โŸฉ\) if for all \(x, y โˆˆ C\) either \(x โ‰ค y\) or \(y โ‰ค x\) holds.


An operational clone (or just clone) on a nonempty set \(A\) is a set of operations on \(A\) that contains all projection operations and is closed under general composition.


If \(๐–ข\) is a closure operator on \(X\), then a subset \(A โŠ† X\) is called closed with respect to \(๐–ข\) (or \(๐–ข\)-closed) provided \(๐–ข(A) โŠ† A\) (equivalently, \(๐–ข(A) = A\)).

Hereโ€™s an important example. Let \(ฯƒ = (F, ฯ)\) be a signature and \(X\) a set. Define for each \(A โŠ† X\) the set \(๐–ข(A) = \{f\, b โˆฃ f โˆˆ F, \, b: ฯ f โ†’ A\}\). Then \(๐–ข\) is a closure operator on \(X\) and a subset \(A โŠ† X\) is said to be โ€œclosed under the operations in \(F\)โ€ provided \(A\) is \(๐–ข\)-closed.

closed ball

Let \((X, d)\) be a metric space. If \(x โˆˆ X\) and \(r > 0\) are fixed, then the set denoted and defined by \(Bฬ„ (x; r) = \{y โˆˆ X โˆฃ d(x,y) โ‰ค r\}\) is called the closed ball with center \(x\) and radius \(r\).

closed set

A subset of a metric or topological space is closed if its complement is open. (Hence the empty set and the whole universe are closed, finite unions of closed sets are closed, and arbitrary intersections of closed sets are closed.)


If \(X\) is a metric or topological space then the closure of a subset \(E โŠ† X\) is denoted by \(Eฬ„\) and defined to be the smallest \(closed\) subset of \(X\) containing \(E\).

The closure \(Eฬ„\) exists since the collection \(ฮฉ\) of all closed subsets of \(X\) which contain \(E\) is not empty (since \(X โˆˆ ฮฉ\)), so define \(Eฬ„\) to be the intersection of all members of \(ฮฉ\).

Here is an alternative, equivalent definition. The closure of \(E\) is the intersection of all closed sets containing \(E\).

closure operator

Let \(X\) be a set and let \(๐’ซ(X)\) denote the collection of all subsets of \(X\). A closure operator on \(X\) is a set function \(๐–ข: ๐’ซ (X) โ†’ ๐’ซ (X)\) satisfying the following conditions, for all \(A, B โˆˆ ๐’ซ (X)\),

  1. \(A โŠ† ๐–ข(A)\),

  2. \(๐–ข โˆ˜ ๐–ข = ๐–ข\),

  3. \(A โŠ† B โŸน ๐–ข(A) โŠ† ๐–ข(B)\).


See cocomplete poset.

cocomplete poset

A poset in which all joins exist is called cocomplete.


If \(f : A โ†’ B\) is a function or relation from \(A\) to \(B\), then \(B\) is called the codomain of \(f\), denoted by \(\cod f\).

cofinite topology

If \(X\) is an infinite set, then \(\{V โˆˆ X โˆฃ V = โˆ… \text{ or } V^c \text{ is finite}\}\) is a topology on \(X\), called the cofinite topology.

commutative diagram

A commutative diagram is a diagram with the following property: for all objects \(C\) and \(D\), all paths from \(C\) to \(D\) yield the same morphism.

commutative group

See abelian group.

compact element

an element \(x\) of a lattice \(L\) is called compact provided for all \(Y โŠ† L\), if \(x โ‰ค โ‹ Y\), then there exists a finite subset \(F โŠ† Y\) such that \(x โ‰ค โ‹ F\).

compact set

If \((X,d)\) is a metric space, then a subset \(E โŠ† X\) that satisfies any one (hence all) of the conditions in the Compactness theorem is called compact.

Probably the condition that is most commonly used to define a compact subset is the Heine-Borel property, which is stated simply as follows: a set is compact iff every open covering reduces to a finite subcover.

If \((X,ฯ„)\) is a topological space then a set \(A โŠ† X\) is called compact if every open covering \(\{V_i โˆฃ i โˆˆ I\} โŠ† ฯ„\) of \(A\) has a finite subcover. That is,

\[A โŠ† โ‹ƒ_{iโˆˆ I} V_i \quad \text{ implies } \quad A โŠ† โ‹ƒ_{j=1}^n V_{i_j}\]

for some finite subcollection \(\{V_{i_j} โˆฃ j = 1, \dots, n\} โŠ† \{V_i โˆฃ iโˆˆ I\}\).


A poset in which all meets exist is called complete.

complete lattice

a poset whose universe is closed under arbitrary meets and joins.

complete lattice homomorphism

A complete lattice homomorphism is a function \(f: X โ†’ Y\) that preserves complete meets and joins.

complete measure

A measure \(ฮผ\) on a measurable space \((X, ๐”)\) is called complete if all subsets of sets of measure 0 are measurable (and have measure 0). 2

complete measure space

If \(ฮผ\) is a complete measure on the measurable space \((X, ๐”)\), then \((X, ๐”, ฮผ)\) is called a complete measure space.

complete metric space

A metric space \((X, d)\) is called complete if \(X\) is complete; that is, each Cauchy sequence in \(X\) converges to a point of \(X\).

complete poset

A poset in which all meets exist is called complete.

complete set

A subset \(C\) of a (metric or topological) space \(X\) is called complete if every Cauchy sequence in \(C\) converges to a point in \(C\).

complex measure

A complex measure on a measurable space \((X, ๐”)\) is a map \(ฮฝ: ๐” โ†’ โ„‚\) such that \(ฮฝ โˆ… = 0\), and \(ฮฝ\) is countably additive over \(๐”\), which means that

(59)ยถ\[ฮฝ(โ‹ƒ_j A_j) = โˆ‘_j ฮฝ(A_j)\]

whenever \(\{A_j\}\) is a collection of disjoint sets in \(๐”\).

Moreover, the sum on the right-hand side of (59) converges absolutely.

Notice, we do not allow a complex measure to take on infinite values. Thus, a positive measure is a complex measure only if it is finite.


If \(ฮฑ : F โ‡’ G\) is a natural transformation, then the component of ฮฑ at \(A\) is the morphism \(ฮฑ_A : FA โ†’ GA\).

composition of operations

If \(f: (n โ†’ A) โ†’ A\) is an \(n\)-ary operation on the set \(A\), and if \(g: โˆ_{(i:n)} ((k_i โ†’ A) โ†’ A)\) is an \(n\)-tuple of operations, then we define the composition of \(f\) with \(g\), using the eval and fork operations, as follows:

\[f [g] := f\, (\mathbf{eval} \, \mathbf{fork}\, g): โˆ_{(i:n)}(k_i โ†’ A) โ†’ A.\]


\[\mathbf{eval} \, \mathbf{fork} \, g: โˆ_{(i:n)}(k_i โ†’ A) โ†’ (n โ†’ A)\]

is the function that maps each \(a: โˆ_{(i:n)}(k_i โ†’ A)\) to \(โˆ_{(i:n)}\mathbf{eval} \,(g \, i, a\, i) = g โˆ˜ a\), where for each \((i:n)\) \((g โˆ˜ a)(i) = (g i)(a i): A\).

Thus, if \(a: โˆ_{(i:n)}(k_i โ†’ A)\), then \((\mathbf{eval} \, \mathbf{fork} \, g) (a)\) has type \(n โ†’ A\), which is the domain type of \(f\). Therefore, \(f \, (\mathbf{eval} \, \mathbf{fork}\, g)\, (a)\) has type \(A\).


If there is a set \(A โˆˆ ๐”\) such that for all \(E โˆˆ ๐”\) we have \(ฮป E = ฮป (A โˆฉ E)\), then we say that \(ฮป\) is concentrated on \(A\).

concrete category

A concrete category is one whose objects are sets and whose morphisms are functions defined on these sets (possibly satisfying some other special properties).

conjugate exponents

If \(p\) and \(q\) are positive real numbers such that \(p+q = pq\) (equivalently, \((1/p) + (1/q) = 1\)), then we call \(p\) and \(q\) a pair of conjugate exponents.

Itโ€™s clear that conjugate exponents satisfy \(1 < p, q < โˆž\) and that as \(p โ†’ 1\), \(q โ†’ โˆž\) and vice-versa. Thus, \((1, โˆž)\) is also regarded as a pair of conjugate exponents.

consecutive functions

If \(f : A โ†’ B\) and \(g : B โ†’ C\), then \(\cod f = \dom g\) and we say that \(f\) and \(g\) are consecutive functions.

continuous function

Let \((X, ฯ„_1)\) and \((Y, ฯ„_2)\) be topological spaces. A function \(f: X โ†’ Y\) is called continuous if \(f^{-1}(S) โˆˆ ฯ„_1\) for every \(S โˆˆ ฯ„_2\).

Let \((X, |\;\;|_1)\) and \((Y, |\;\;|_2)\) be metric spaces. A function \(f : X \to Y\) is called continuous at the point \(x_0 โˆˆ X\) if for all \(ฮต >0\) there exists \(ฮด > 0\) such that

\[|x - x_0|_1 < ฮด \, โŸน \, |f(x) -f(x_0)|_2 < ฮต.\]

A function \(f : X โ†’ Y\) is called continuous in \(E โŠ† X\) if it is continuous at every point of \(E\).

contravariant powerset functor

The contravariant powerset functor is a functor \(P^{\mathrm{op}}: \mathbf{Set} โ†’ \mathbf{Set}\) such that for each morphism \(g: B โ†’ A\) the morphism \(P^{\mathrm{op}}g: ๐’ซ(A) โ†’ ๐’ซ(B)\) is given by \(P^{\mathrm{op}} g (S) = \{b โˆˆ B : g(b) โˆˆ S\}\) for each \(S โŠ† A\).


Given two objects \(A\) and \(B\) a coproduct (or sum) of \(A\) and \(B\) is denoted by \(A+B\) and defined to be an object with morphisms \(ฮน_1 : A โ†’ A + B\) and \(ฮน_2 : B โ†’ A + B\) such that for every object \(X\) and all morphisms \(u : A โ†’ Y\) and \(v : B โ†’ Y\) there exists a unique morphism \([u,v] : A+B โ†’ Y\) such that \([u,v] โˆ˜ ฮน_1 = u\) and \([u,v] โˆ˜ ฮน_2 = v\).

countably additive

Let \(๐’ฎ = \{S_ฮป: ฮปโˆˆ ฮ›\}\) be a collection of sets and let \(R\) be a ring. A function \(s: ๐’ฎ โ†’ R\) is called countably additive if for every countable subset \(ฮ“ โŠ† ฮ›\) such that \(\{S_ฮณ : ฮณ โˆˆ ฮ“\}\) is a collection of pairwise disjoint subsets in \(๐’ฎ\), we have

. math:: s bigl( โ‹ƒ_{ฮณโˆˆฮ“} A_ฮณ bigr) = โˆ‘_{ฮณโˆˆ ฮ“} s (A_ฮณ).

countably subadditive

Let \(๐’ฎ = \{S_ฮป: ฮปโˆˆ ฮ›\}\) be a collection of sets and let \(R\) be a ring. A function \(s: ๐’ฎ โ†’ R\) is called countably subadditive if for every countable subset \(ฮ“ โŠ† ฮ›\) such that \(\{S_ฮณ : ฮณ โˆˆ ฮ“\}\) is a collection of subsets in \(๐’ฎ\), we have

covariant powerset functor

The (covariant) powerset functor is a functor \(P : \mathbf{Set} โ†’ \mathbf{Set}\) such that for each \(f : A โ†’ B\) the morphism \(Pf : PA โ†’ PB\) is given by \(Pf(S) = \{f(x) : x โˆˆ S\}\) for each \(S \subseteq A\).


See covering.


In a metric or topological space \(X\), a covering of a subset \(E โŠ† X\) is a collection of subsets \(\{V_ฮฑ\}\) of \(X\) such that \(E โŠ† โ‹ƒ_ฮฑ V_ฮฑ\). If, in addition, each \(V_ฮฑ\) is an open subset of \(X\), then we call \(\{V_ฮฑ\}\) an open covering of \(E\).

Curry-Howard correspondence

the correspondence between propositions and types, and proofs and programs; a proposition is identified with the type of its proofs, and a proof is a program of that type.

(See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curry%E2%80%93Howard_correspondence.)

dense set

A set \(G\) is dense in \(X\) if each \(x โˆˆ X\) is a limit point of \(G\). Equivalently, the closure of \(G\) contains \(X\) (in symbols, \(X โŠ† Gฬ„\).)

discrete topology

If \(X\) is a nonempty set, the powerset \(๐’ซ(X)\) is a topology on \(X\) and is called the discrete topology.


The diameter of a set \(E\) in a metric space \((X, d)\) is denoted and defined by \(\mathrm{diam} E = \sup \{d(x, y) : x, y \in E\}\).

directed set

A subset \(D\) of a preorder is called directed if every finite subset of \(D\) has an upper bound in \(D\). That is, if \(F โŠ† D\) and \(F\) is finite, then there exists \(d โˆˆ D\) such that \(f โ‰ค d\) for all \(f โˆˆ F\).

directed-cocomplete preorder

a preorder for which the joins of all directed subsets exist.

directed-cocomplete poset

an antisymmetric directed-cocomplete preorder.

directed graph

A directed graph is a relational structure consisting of a vertex set \(V\) (whose elements are called vertices) and an edge set \(E โŠ† V^2\) (whose elements are called edges).

division ring

A ring in which every non-zero element is a unit is called a division ring.


If \(f : A โ†’ B\) is a function or relation from \(A\) to \(B\), then \(A\) is called the domain of \(f\), denoted by \(\dom f\).


If \(X\) is a normed linear space over the field \(F\), then the collection \(๐”…(X,F)\) of bounded linear functionals is called the dual space (or dual) of \(X\).

If \(F\) is complete, then \(๐”…(X,F)\) is complete, hence a Banach space.


A functor that maps a category to itself is called an endofunctor.


A morphism \(f: ๐”ธ โ†’ ๐”ธ\) (i.e., \(\src f = \tar f\)) is called an endomorphism.


A morphism \(f: X โ†’ Y\) is called an epimorphism if for every object \(Z\) and pair \(g_1, g_2: Y โ†’ Z\) of morphisms we have \(g_1 โˆ˜ f = g_2 โˆ˜ f\) implies \(g_1 = g_2\). When \(f: X โ†’ Y\) is an epimorphism we often say โ€œ\(f\) is epiโ€ and write \(f: X โ†  Y\).

equivalence class

If \(R\) is an equivalence relation on \(A\), then for each \(a โˆˆ A\), there is an equivalence class containing \(a\), which is denoted and defined by \(a/R = \{b โˆˆ A โˆฃ a \mathrel R b\}\).

equivalence relation

An equivalence relation is a symmetric preorder. The collection of all equivalence relations on \(X\) is denoted by \(\mathrm{Eq}(X)\).

equivalent categories

Two categories \(\mathcal C\) and \(\mathcal D\) are called equivalent categories if there are functors \(F : \mathcal C โ†’ \mathcal D\) and \(G : \mathcal D โ†’ \mathcal C\) together with natural isomorphisms \(ฮต : FG โ‰… \mathrm{id}_{\mathcal D}\), and \(ฮท : \mathrm{id}_{\mathcal C} โ‰… GF\). We say that \(F\) is an equivalence with an inverse equivalence \(G\) and denote the equivalence by \(F : \mathcal C โ‰ƒ \mathcal D : G\).

essentially surjective on objects

A functor \(F : C โ†’ D\) is called essentially surjective on objects if for every object \(D โˆˆ \mathcal D\), there is some \(A โˆˆ \mathcal C\) such that \(F A\) is isomorphic to \(D\).

Euclidean norm

For \(๐ฑ = (x_1,\dots, x_n) โˆˆ โ„^n\) the Euclidean norm of \(๐ฑ\) is denoted and defined by \(\|๐ฑ\|_2 = \left(โˆ‘_{i=1}^n x_i^2\right)^{1/2}\).

Euclidean space

For \(nโˆˆ โ„•\) the normed linear space \((โ„^n, \|\,โ‹…\,\|_2)\), where \(\|\,โ‹…\,\|_2\) is the Euclidean norm, is called \(n\)-dimensional Euclidean space.

existential image functor

the functor \(โˆƒ f : P(A) โ†’ P(B)\) defined by \(โˆƒ f(X) = \{f(x) : x โˆˆ X\},\) for \(X โˆˆ P(A)\).


If \(A\) and \(B\) are types, then the eval (or function application) function on \(A\) and \(B\) is denoted by \(\mathbf{eval}: ((A โ†’ B) ร— A) โ†’ B\) and defined by \(\mathbf{eval} (f, a) = f\, a\), for all \(f: A โ†’ B\) and \(a: A\).

evaluation functor

The evaluation functor is the functor \(Ev : \mathcal C ร— \mathbf{Set}^{\mathcal C} โ†’ \mathbf{Set}\), which takes each pair \((A, F) โˆˆ \mathcal C_{\mathrm{obj}} ร— \mathbf{Set}^{{\mathcal C}_{\mathrm{obj}}}\) of objects to the set \(Ev(A, F) = FA\), and takes each pair \((g, ฮผ) โˆˆ \mathcal C_{\mathrm{obj}} ร— \mathbf{Set}^{\mathcal C_{\mathrm{mor}}}\) of morphisms to a function on sets, namely, \(Ev(g, ฮผ) = ฮผ_{A'} โˆ˜ F g = F' g โˆ˜ ฮผ_A\), where \(g โˆˆ \mathcal C(A, A')\) and \(ฮผ : F โ‡’ F'\).

evaluation natural transformation

The evaluation natural transformation is denoted by \(eval^A : F_A โ†’ \mathrm{id}_{\mathbf{Set}}\) and defined byโ€ฆ (Todo complete definition)


An extensional definition of a term lists everything that qualifies as something to which that term refers.

(See also function extensionality.)

faithful functor

A functor \(F : \mathcal C โ†’ \mathcal D\) is called faithful if for all objects \(A\), \(B\) in \(\mathcal C_{\mathrm{obj}}\), the map \(\mathcal C(A, B) โ†’ \mathcal D(F A, F B)\) is injective.

(Note: A faithful functor need not be injective on morphisms.)


A field is a commutative division ring.

finite measure

If \((X, ๐”, ฮผ)\) is a measure space, then \(ฮผ\) is called a finite measure provided \(ฮผ X < โˆž\).

finite ordinals

The category \(\mathrm{Ord}_{\mathrm{fin}}\) of finite ordinals (also called the simplex category \(\Delta\)) has \(\underline n = \{0, 1, \dots, n-1\}\) for objects (for each \(n โˆˆ โ„•\)) and \(f : \underline n โ†’ \underline m\) monotone functions for morphisms.

finite set

A set is called finite if it contains only a finite number of elements.

first category

A set \(G\) is of the first category if it is a countable union of nowhere dense sets.


Let \(A\) and \(D\) be types and for each \(a: A\), let \(C_a\) be a type. Then the (dependent) fork function, denoted

\[\mathbf{fork}: โˆ_{a:A}(C_a โ†’ D) โ†’ โˆ_{a:A} C_a โ†’ โˆ_{a:A} (C_a โ†’ D) ร— C_a,\]

is defined as follows: for all \(h: โˆ_{a:A}(C_a โ†’ D)\) and \(k: โˆ_{a:A} C_a\),

\[\mathbf{fork}\, (h)(k): โˆ_{a:A}((C_a โ†’ D) ร— C_a),\]

and for each \(a:A\),

\[\mathbf{fork}\, (h)(k)(a) = (h\,a, k\,a): (C_a โ†’ D) ร— C_a.\]

Thus, \(\mathbf{eval} \, \mathbf{fork}\, (h)(k)(a) = (h\, a)(k\, a)\) is of type \(D\).

free algebra

The free algebra in a variety is the initial object in a category whose objects are algebraic structures.

Precisely, if \(๐’ฑ\) is a variety of algebras and if \(X\) is a set, then the free algebra generated by \(X\) is denoted by \(๐”ฝ(X)\) and defined as follows: for every algebra \(๐”ธ โˆˆ ๐’ฑ\) and every function \(f: X โ†’ A\), there exists a unique homomorphism \(h: ๐”ฝ(X) โ†’ ๐”ธ\) such that \(โˆ€ x โˆˆ X, h(x) = f(x)\). We say that \(๐”ฝ(X)\) is โ€œuniversalโ€, or โ€œhas the universal mapping propertyโ€, for \(๐’ฑ\)

free object

See initial object.

free monoid

The free monoid is the initial object in a category of monoids.

function extensionality

the principle that takes two functions \(f : X โ†’ Y\) and \(g : X โ†’ Y\) to be equal just in case \(f(x) = g(x)\) holds for all \(x : X\); such functions are sometimes called โ€œLeibniz equal.โ€


A functor \(F : \mathcal C โ†’ \mathcal D\) consists of a function \(F_0\) that maps objects of \(\mathcal C\) to objects of \(\mathcal D\) and a function \(F_1\) that maps morphisms of \(\mathcal C\) to morphisms of \(\mathcal D\) such that \(F\) preserves (co)domains of morphisms, identities, and compositions.

functor category

The functor category from \(\mathcal C\) to \(\mathcal D\) has functors \(F : \mathcal C โ†’ \mathcal D\) as objects and natural transformations \(ฮฑ : F โ‡’ G\) as morphisms.

Galois connection

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galois_connection.

Galois pair

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galois_connection.

generalized element

A morphism \(h: X โ†’ A\) is sometimes called a generalized element of \(A\). A morphism \(f\) is mono when it is injective on the generalized elements of its domain.

general composition

See composition of operations.

global element

See point.

graph morphism

Let \(๐†_1 =(V_1, E_1)\) and \(๐†_2 = (V_2, E_2)\) be graphs. We say that a pair of functions \(f=(f_v,f_e)\) is a graph morphism from \(๐†_1\) to \(๐†_2\) provided \(f_v : V_1 โ†’ V_2\), \(f_e : E_1 โ†’ E_2\), and for any edge \(e = (v_1,v_2) โˆˆ E_1\) we have that we have \(f_e(e) = (f_v(v_1), f_v(v_2))\).


A group is a monoid expanded with a unary operation \(^{-1}\), called multiplicative inverse, which satisfies \(โˆ€ a โˆˆ A\), \(a โ‹… a^{-1} = a^{-1} โ‹… a = e\).


See magma.

Hausdorff space

A topological space \((X, ฯ„)\) is called a Hausdorff space if the topology separates the points of \(X\). In other words, distinct points have some disjoint neighborhoods.


If \(w\) is a term, then the height of \(w\) is denoted by \(|w|\) and defined to be the least \(n\) such that \(w โˆˆ T_n\).

If \(ฮฑ\) is a type, then we sometimes refer to the height of \(ฮฑ\), by which we mean the universe level of \(ฮฑ\)

Heyting algebra

A Heyting algebra \(โŸจL, โˆง, โˆจ, โŠฅ, โŠค, โ†’โŸฉ\) is a bounded lattice with least and greatest elements โŠฅ and โŠค, and a binary โ€œimplicationโ€ โ†’ that satisfies \(โˆ€ a, b, c โˆˆ L, \ (c โˆง a โ‰ค b \ โŸบ \ c โ‰ค a โ†’ b)\). Logically, this says a โ†’ b is the weakest proposition for which the modus ponens rule, \(\{a โ†’ b, a\} โŠข b\), is sound. The class of Heyting algebras forms a variety that is finitely axiomatizable.

Heyting algebra homomorphism

a lattice homomorphism that also preserves Heyting implications; that is, if \(x, x' โˆˆ X\), then \(f(x โ†’ x') = f(x) โ†’ f(x')\).

Hilbert space

A normed linear space whose norm arises from an inner product is called a Hilbert space.

hom set

Some authors require that \(\mathcal C(A,B)\) always be a set and call \(\mathcal C(A,B)\) the hom set from \(A\) to \(B\).


We call a pair \(X, Y\) of topological spaces homeomorphic if there is a homeomorphism between them.


A continuous function from a topological space \(X\) to a topological space \(Y\) is called a homeomorphism provided it is one-to-one and onto, and has a continuous inverse from \(Y\) to \(X\).

Clearly the inverse of a homeomorphism is a homeomorphism and the composition of homeomorphisms, when defined, is a homeomorphism.


See morphism.


An operation \(f: A^n โ†’ A\) is called idempotent provided \(f(a, a, \dots, a) = a\) for all \(a โˆˆ A\). That is, \(f\) maps constant tuples to their constant image value.

In other terms \(f: (ฯ f โ†’ A) โ†’ A\) is idempotent iff for each constant tuple \(a: ฯ f โ†’ A\), say, \(โˆ€ i<ฯ f, \; a\, i = c\), we have \(f\, a = f(c, c, \dots, c) = c\).


A self-referencing definition is called impredicative. A definition is said to be impredicative if it invokes (mentions or quantifies over) the set being defined, or (more commonly) another set which contains the thing being defined.

indiscrete topology

If \(X\) is a nonempty set, then \(\{โˆ…, X\}\) is a topology on \(X\), called the trivial (or indiscrete) topology.

inductive set

A subset \(I\) of a preorder \(X\) is called inductive if \(โ‹_X D โˆˆ I\) for every directed subset \(D โŠ† X\) contained in \(I\). That is, if \(D โŠ† I\), and if every finite subset of \(D\) has an upper bound in \(D\), then \(D\) as a least upper bound in \(I\).


Let \((X, ๐”, ฮผ)\) be a measure space. The \(โˆž\)-norm relative to \(ฮผ\) is defined for each real- or complex-valued function \(f\) on \(X\) by

\[\|f\|_โˆž := \inf \{aโˆˆ โ„^โˆ— โˆฃ ฮผ\{x : |f(x)| > a\} = 0\} = \inf \{aโˆˆ โ„^โˆ— โˆฃ |f(x)| โ‰ค a \text{ for } ฮผ-\text{a.e. } xโˆˆ X\},\]

where \(โ„^โˆ— = โ„ โˆช \{-โˆž, โˆž\}\) and \(\inf โˆ… = โˆž\).

initial object

An object \(0\) in a category is called the initial object (or free object) if for every object \(A\) in the category there exists a unique morphism \(!_A: 0 โ†’ A\).

The free algebra in a variety is a free object in a category whose objects are algebraic structures.

inner product

Let \(X\) be a vector space over the field \(F\). An inner product on \(X\) is a function \(โŸจยท,ยทโŸฉ: X ร— X โ†’ F\) satisfying the following conditions:

  1. \(โŸจโ‹…,โ‹…โŸฉ\) is linear in the first variable; i.e., \(โŸจฮฑ x + ฮฒy, zโŸฉ = ฮฑโŸจx,zโŸฉ + ฮฒโŸจy,zโŸฉ\) for all \(ฮฑ, ฮฒ โˆˆ F\) and \(x, y, z โˆˆ X\);

  2. \(โŸจโ‹…,โ‹…โŸฉ\) is symmetric; i.e., \(โŸจx, yโŸฉ = โŸจy, xโŸฉ\) for all \(x, y โˆˆ X\); and

  3. \(โŸจx, xโŸฉ โ‰ฅ 0\) for each \(xโˆˆ X\) and \(โŸจx, xโŸฉ = 0\) if and only if \(x = 0\).

inner product space

An inner product space is a vector space equipped with an inner product.


A real- or complex-valued \(ฮผ\)-measurable function \(f\) is called \(ฮผ\)-integrable (or integrable with respect to \(ฮผ\), or just integrable) over \(X\) if \(โˆซ_X |f| \, dฮผ < โˆž\). We let \(L_1(X, ฮผ)\) (or \(L_1(ฮผ)\), or just \(L_1\)) denote the collection of functions that are \(ฮผ\)-integrable over \(X\).

When \(fโˆˆ L_1(X, ฮผ)\) we define the integral of \(f\) over a measurable set \(E โŠ† X\) by \(โˆซ_E f\, dฮผ = โˆซ_E f^+\, dฮผ - โˆซ_E f^-\, dฮผ\).


See Lebesgue integral.


If \(X\) is a topological space and \(A โŠ† X\), then the union of all open sets contained in \(A\) is called the interior of \(A\).


An intensional definition of a term specifies necessary and sufficient conditions that the term satisfies. In the case of nouns, this is equivalent to specifying all the properties that an object must have in order to be something to which the term refers.

isometrically isomorphic

Two Hilbert spaces \(โ„‹_1, โ„‹_2\) are called isometrically isomorphic if there exists a unitary operator from \(โ„‹_1\) onto \(โ„‹_2\).

In other words, \(U: โ„‹_1 โ†  โ„‹_2\) is a surjective isometry from \(โ„‹_1\) to \(โ„‹_2\).


Let \((X, \|\,.\,\|_1)\) and \((Y, \|\,.\,\|_2)\) be normed linear spaces. A linear transformation \(T: X โ†’ Y\) is called an isometry if it preserves norms, that is, \(\|Tx\|_2 = \|x\|_1\) holds for all \(xโˆˆ X\).


A morphism \(f: A โ†’ B\) is called an isomorphism if there exists a morphism \(g: A โ†’ B\) such that \(g โˆ˜ f= \mathrm{id}_A\) and \(f โˆ˜ g = \mathrm{id}_B\). We write \(f^{-1}\) to denote \(g\) when it exists.


By the kernel of a function \(f: A โ†’ B\) we mean the binary relation on \(A\) denoted and defined by \(\mathrm{ker} f := \{(aโ‚, aโ‚‚) : f aโ‚ = f aโ‚‚\}\).

Kleene closure

See free monoid.

lambda calculus

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_calculus.


a poset whose universe is closed under all finite meets and joins is called a lattice.

lattice homomorphism

a function \(f: X โ†’ Y\) preserving finite meets and joins.

law of the excluded middle

This is an axiom of classical logic asserting that for all propositions P either ยฌ P or P holds.

Lebesgue integrable

A function that is integrable with respect to Lebesgue measure is called a Lebesgue integrable function.

Lebesgue integral

Let \((X, ๐”, ฮผ)\) be a measure space. If \(E โˆˆ ๐”\) and \(s: X โ†’ [0, โˆž)\) is a measurable simple function of the form \(s = โˆ‘_{i=1}^n ฮฑ_i ฯ‡_{A_i}\), where \(ฮฑ_1, \dots, ฮฑ_n โˆˆ โ„\) are the distinct values of \(s\), then we denote and define the Lebesgue integral of \(s\) over \(E\) as follows:

\[โˆซ_E s\, dฮผ := โˆ‘_{i=1}^n ฮฑ_i ฮผ(A_i โˆฉ E),\]

where we adopt the convention that \(0โ‹…โˆž = 0\) (in case, e.g., \(ฮฑ_i = 0\) and \(ฮผ(A_i โˆฉ E) = โˆž\) for some \(1โ‰ค i โ‰ค n\)).

If \(f: X โ†’ [0, โˆž]\) is a nonnegative extended real-valued measurable function and \(Eโˆˆ ๐”\), then we denote and define the Lebesgue integral of \(f\) over \(E\) with respect to the measure \(ฮผ\) (or, the integral of \(f\)) as follows:

\[โˆซ_E f\, dฮผ := \sup โˆซ_E s\, dฮผ,\]

where the supremum is taken over all simple measurable functions \(s\) such that \(0โ‰ค s โ‰ค f\).

If \(ฮผ\) is the only measure in context, then we may write \(โˆซ_E f\) in place of \(โˆซ_E f\, dฮผ\), and \(โˆซ f\) in place of \(โˆซ_X f\).

Lebesgue measurable function

Let \(EโŠ† โ„\). A function \(f: E โ†’ โ„\) is called Lebesgue measurable provided \(f^{-1}(G)\) is a Lebesgue measurable set for every open set \(G โŠ† โ„\). Equivalently, \(f\) is Lebesgue measurable iff the set \(f^{-1}((ฮฑ, โˆž))\) is Lebesgue measurable for every \(ฮฑ โˆˆ โ„\).

Lebesgue measurable set

A set that is measurable with respect to Lebesgue measure is called a Lebesgue measurable set; that is, \(EโŠ† โ„\) is Lebesgue measurable iff

\[m^โˆ— A = m^โˆ— (A โˆฉ E) + m^โˆ—(A โˆฉ E^c)\; \text{ holds for all } A โŠ† R.\]
Lebesgue measure

Let \(โ„“\) be the measure defined on the semiring \(S := \{[a, b) โˆฃ a, b โˆˆ โ„\}\) of bounded intervals by \(โ„“[a, b)= b-a\) for all \(a โ‰ค b\). Let \(โ„“^โˆ—: ๐’ซ(โ„) โ†’ [0, โˆž]\) be the outer measure generated by \(โ„“\). That is, for \(EโŠ† โ„\),

\[โ„“^โˆ—(E) := \inf \{โˆ‘_{n=1}^โˆž m(I_n) โˆฃ \{I_n\} โŠ† S \text{ and } E โŠ† โ‹ƒ_{n=1}^โˆž I_n\}\]

The measure obtained by restricting \(โ„“^โˆ—\) to the measurable subsets in \(๐’ซ(โ„)\) is called Lebesgue measure.

Observe that the \(โ„“^โˆ—\)-measurable subsets in \(๐’ซ(โ„)\) are those \(Aโˆˆ ๐’ซ(โ„)\) satisfying

\[โ„“^โˆ— E = โ„“^โˆ—(E โˆฉ A) + โ„“^โˆ—(E โˆฉ A^c)\; \text{ for all } E โŠ† โ„.\]
Lebesgue outer measure

See Lebesgue measure

Lebesgue null set

A Lebesgue null set is a set of Lebesgue measure zero.

Leibniz equal

See function extensionality.

left module

See module.

lift (n)

See lifts (v)

lifts (v)

For \(ฯ โŠ† ฮฑ ร— ฮฑ\), and \(f: ฮฑ โ†’ ฮฒ\), we say that \(f\) lifts to a function on the quotient \(ฮฑ/ฯ\) provided the following implication holds for all \(x y: ฮฑ\): if \(ฯ x y\) then \(f x = f y\). The function to which \(f\) lifts is called the lift of \(f\).

limit point

A point \(x\) is called a limit point (or accumulation point) of a set \(A\) in a topological space if \(A โˆฉ (V \ {x}) โ‰  โˆ…\) for every neighborhood \(V\) of \(x\).

linear functional

Let \(X\) be a vector space over the field \(F\). A linear functional on \(X\) is a linear transformation with codomain \(F\).

linear operator

See linear transformation.

linear space

See vector space.

linear transformation

A linear transformation (or linear operator) is a morphism in the category of vector spaces.

Explicitly, if \(X\) and \(Y\) are vector spaces over the field \(F\), then a linear transformation from \(X\) to \(Y\) is a function \(T: X โ†’ Y\) that is โ€œlinearโ€ in that it preserves the vector space operations (addition and scalar products); that is,

  1. \(โˆ€ x, x' โˆˆ X\), \(T(x + x') = T\,x + T\,x'\).

  2. \(โˆ€ ฮฑ โˆˆ F\), \(โˆ€ x โˆˆ X\), \(T(ฮฑ x) = ฮฑ T\,x\).

(These conditions are equivalent to the single condition \(โˆ€ ฮฑ โˆˆ F\), \(โˆ€ x, x' โˆˆ X\), \(T(ฮฑ x + x') = ฮฑ T\,x + T\,x'\).)

Lipschitz condition

A function \(f\) satisfies a Lipschitz condition on an interval if there is a constant \(M\) such that \(|f(x) - f(y)| โ‰ค M|x-y|\) for all \(x\) in the interval.

Lipschitz constant

The number \(M\) in the definition of Lipschitz condition is called the Lipschitz constant.

Lipschitz continuous

A function is called Lipschitz continuous on an interval if it satisfies a Lipschitz condition on that interval.

locally compact

A topological space \((X,ฯ„)\) is called locally compact if every point of \(X\) has a neighborhood whose closure is compact.

locally small category

A category \(\mathcal C\) is locally small if for every pair \(A\), \(B\) of objects in \(\mathcal C\) the collection of morphisms from \(A\) to \(B\) is a set.

logically equivalent

Propositions \(P\) and \(Q\) are logically equivalent provided \(P\) implies \(Q\) and \(Q\) implies \(P\).

lower limit

Let \(\{a_n\}\) be a sequence in \([-โˆž, โˆž]\), and put \(b_k = \inf \{a_k, a_{k+1}, \dots\}\) for \(kโˆˆ โ„•\) and \(ฮฒ = \sup \{b_0, b_1, b_2, \dots \}\). We call \(ฮฒ\) the lower limit (or limit inferior) of \(\{a_n\}\), and write \(ฮฒ = \liminf\limits_{nโ†’ โˆž} a_n\). The upper limit, \(\limsup\limits_{nโ†’ \infty} a_n\) is definied similarly.

Observe that

  1. \(b_0 โ‰ค b_1 โ‰ค b_2 โ‰ค \cdots โ‰ค ฮฒ\) and \(b_k โ†’ ฮฒ\) as \(kโ†’ โˆž\);

  2. there is a subsequence \(\{a_{n_j}\}\) of \(\{a_n\}\) that converges to \(ฮฒ\) as \(jโ†’ โˆž\) and \(ฮฒ\) is the smallest number with this property.

  3. \(\limsup\limits_{nโ†’โˆž} a_n = -\liminf\limits_{nโ†’โˆž} (- a_n)\).

(See also the definition of upper limit and the remarks following that definition.)


An algebra with a single binary operation is called a magma (or groupoid or binar). The operation is usually denoted by \(+\) or \(โ‹…\), and we write \(a+b\) or \(a โ‹… b\) (or just \(ab\)) for the image of \((a, b)\) under this operation, which we call the sum or product of \(a\) and \(b\), respectively.

measurable function

Let \((X, ๐”)\) and \((Y, ๐”‘)\) be measurable spaces. A function \(f: X โ†’ Y\) is called \((๐”, ๐”‘)\)-measurable (or just measurable) if \(f^{-1}(N) โˆˆ ๐”\) for every \(N โˆˆ ๐”‘\).

measurable set

If \(๐”\) is a ฯƒ-algebra in \(X\), then the members of \(๐”\) are called the measurable sets in \(X\).

If \(ฮผ^โˆ—\) is an outer measure on \(X\), a set \(A โŠ† X\) is called \(ฮผ^โˆ—\)-measurable set (or measurable with respect to \(ฮผ^โˆ—\), or just measurable) provided

\[ฮผ^โˆ— E = ฮผ^โˆ—(E โˆฉ A) + ฮผ^โˆ—(E โˆฉ A^c)\; \text{ for all } E โŠ† X.\]

Equivalently, \(A\) is measurable iff

\[ฮผ^โˆ— E โ‰ฅ ฮผ^โˆ—(E โˆฉ A) + ฮผ^โˆ—(E โˆฉ A^c)\; \text{ for all } E โŠ† X \text{ such that } ฮผ^โˆ— E < โˆž.\]
measurable space

If \(๐”\) is a ฯƒ-algebra in \(X\), then \((X, ๐”)\) (or just \(X\)) is called a measurable space.


A (positive) measure is a function \(ฮผ: ๐” โ†’ [0, โˆž]\), defined on a \(ฯƒ\)-algebra \(๐”\), which is countably additive.

measure space

A measure space is a triple \((X, ๐”, ฮผ)\) where \(X\) is a measurable space, \(๐”\) is the ฯƒ-algebra of measurable sets in \(X\), and \(ฮผ: ๐” โ†’ [0, โˆž]\) is a measure.

metric space

A metric space is a pair \((X, d)\) where \(X\) is a set and \(d: X ร— X โ†’ โ„\) is a metric (or distance function), that is, a function satisfying the following conditions for all \(x, y, z โˆˆ X\):

  1. \(d(x, y) โ‰ฅ 0\)

  2. \(d(x,y) = 0\) if and only if \(x = y\)

  3. (symmetry) \(d(x, y) = d(y, x)\)

  4. (triangle inequality) \(d(x, z) โ‰ค d(x, y)+d(y, z)\).


Let \(R\) be a ring with unit. A left unitary \(R\)-module (or simply \(R\)-module) is an algebra \(โŸจM, \{0, -, +\} โˆช \{f_r : rโˆˆ R\}โŸฉ\) with an abelian group reduct \(โŸจM, \{0, -, +\}โŸฉ\) and unary operations \(\{f_r : r โˆˆ R\}\) that satisfy the following: \(โˆ€ r, s โˆˆ R\), \(โˆ€ x, y โˆˆ M\),

  1. \(f_r(x + y) = f_r(x) + f_r(y)\)

  2. \(f_{r+s}(x) = f_r(x) + f_s(x)\)

  3. \(f_r(f_s(x)) = f_{rs}(x)\)

  4. \(f_1(x) = x\).


If \(โŸจM, โ‹…โŸฉ\) is a semigroup and if there exists \(e โˆˆ M\) that is a multiplicative identity (i.e., \(โˆ€ m โˆˆ M\), \(e โ‹… m = m = m โ‹… e\)), then \(โŸจM, \{e, โ‹…\}โŸฉ\) is called a monoid.

monoid homomorphism

Given monoids \(๐Œ_1 = (M_1, e_1, โ‹†)\) and \(๐Œ_2 = (M_2, e_2, โˆ—)\) we say that a function \(f : M_1 โ†’ M_2\) is a monoid homomorphism from \(๐Œ_1\) to \(๐Œ_2\) provided \(f\) preserves the nullary (identity) and binary operations; that is, \(f(e_1) = e_2\) and \(f (x โ‹† y) = f(x) โˆ— f(y)\) for all \(x, y โˆˆ M_1\).


A morphism \(f: A โ†’ B\) is called a monomorphism if for every object \(X\) and every pair \(h, h' : X โ†’ A\) of morphisms, \(f โˆ˜ h = f โˆ˜ h'\) implies \(h = h'\). When \(f\) is a monomorphism we often say \(f\) is โ€œmonoโ€ and write \(f: A โ†ฃ B\).

monotone function

Given posets \(โŸจA, โ‰คแดฌโŸฉ\) and \((B, โ‰คแดฎ)\) we say that a function \(f: A โ†’ B\) is monotone from \(โŸจA, โ‰คแดฌโŸฉ\) to \(โŸจB, โ‰คแดฎ โŸฉ\) when for any \(x, y โˆˆ A\) we have that \(x โ‰คแดฌ y\) implies that \(f(x) โ‰คแดฎ f(y)\).

(See also monotone increasing function.)


If \(๐”ธ = โŸจA, F^๐”ธโŸฉ\) and \(๐”น = โŸจB, F^๐”นโŸฉ\) are algebraic structures in the signature \(ฯƒ = (F, ฯ)\), then a morphism (or homomorphism) \(h: ๐”ธ โ†’ ๐”น\) is a function from \(A\) to \(B\) that preserves (or commutes with) all operations; that is, for all \(fโˆˆ F\), for all \(a_1, \dots, a_{ฯ f} โˆˆ A\),

\[f^๐”น (h\,a_1, \dots, h\,a_{ฯ f}) = h f^๐”ธ(a_1, \dots, a_{ฯ f}).\]
middle linear map

If \(B_r\) and \(_rC\) are modules over a ring \(R\), and \(A\) is an abelian group, then a middle linear map from \(B ร— C\) to \(A\) is a function \(f: B ร— C โ†’ A\) such that for all \(b, b_1, b_2 โˆˆ B\) and \(c, c_1, c_2 โˆˆ C\) and \(r โˆˆ R\):

\[\begin{split}f(b_1 + b_2, c) &= f(b_1,c) + f(b_2,c)\\ f(b, c_1 + c_2) &= f(b,c_1) + f(b,c_2)\\ f(br, c) &= f(b,rc)\end{split}\]

A module \(M\) over a ring \(R\) isโ€ฆ

monotone increasing function

A real- or extended real-valued function \(f\) deifned on \(โ„\) is called monotone increasing (or monotonically increasing) on the interval \([a,b] โŠ† โ„\) if \(aโ‰ค x < y โ‰ค b\) implies \(f(x) โ‰ค f(y)\).

(See also monotone function.)

multiplicative inverse

Let \(๐”ธ = โŸจ A, e, โˆ˜, \dots โŸฉ\) be an algebra in a signature with a nullary โ€œidentityโ€ operation \(e: () โ†’ A\) and a binary โ€œmultiplicationโ€ operation \(โˆ˜: A ร— A โ†’ A\). Then the element \(b โˆˆ A\) is a multiplicative inverse of \(a โˆˆ A\) provided \(a โˆ˜ b = e = b โˆ˜ a\).

mutually singular

Suppose \(ฮป_1\) and \(ฮป_2\) are measures on \(๐”\) and suppose there exists a pair of disjoint sets \(A\) and \(B\) such that \(ฮป_1\) is concentrated on \(A\) and \(ฮป_2\) is concentrated on \(B\). Then we say that \(ฮป_1\) and \(ฮป_2\) are mutually singular and we write \(ฮป_1 โŸ‚ ฮป_2\).

natural isomorphism

An isomorphism in a functor category is referred to as a natural isomorphism.

natural transformation

Given functors \(F, G : \mathcal C โ†’ \mathcal D\), a natural transformation \(ฮฑ : F โ‡’ G\) is a family \(\{ฮฑ_A : A โˆˆ \mathcal C_{\mathrm{obj}}\}\) of morphisms in \(\mathcal D\) indexed by the objects of \(\mathcal C\) such that, for each \(A โˆˆ \mathcal C_{\mathrm{obj}}\), the map \(\alpha_A\) is a morphism from \(FA\) to \(GA\) satisfying the naturality condition, \(Gf โˆ˜ ฮฑ_A = ฮฑ_B โˆ˜ Ff\), for each \(f : A โ†’ B\) in \(\mathcal C_{\mathrm{mor}}\). We shall write \(ฮฑ : F โ‡’ G : \mathcal C โ†’ \mathcal D\) to indicate that ฮฑ is a natural transformation from \(F\) to \(G\), where \(F, G : \mathcal C โ†’ \mathcal D\).

naturally isomorphic

If there is a natural isomorphism between the functors \(F\) and \(G\), then we call \(F\) and \(G\) naturally isomorphic.

negative part

The negative part of \(f: X โ†’ [-โˆž, โˆž]\) is the function that is denoted and defined for each \(xโˆˆ X\) by \(f^-(x) = \max\{-f(x),0\}\).

Observe that \(f\) is measurable if and only if both the positive and negative parts of \(f\) are measurable. Also, \(f^+, f^-: X โ†’ [0, โˆž]\), \(f = f^+ - f^-\), and \(|f| = f^+ + f^-\).


A measurable set is called negligible if it has measure 0.


A neighborhood of a point \(p\) in a topological space \(X\) is a set \(A\) in \(X\) whose interior contains \(p\); that is, \(p โˆˆ A^o\). 3

nonnegative function

A function \(f: X โ†’ โ„\) such that \(f(x) โ‰ฅ 0\) for all \(xโˆˆ โ„\) is called a nonnegative function. We use the shorthand \(f โ‰ฅ 0\) to denote that \(f\) is a nonnegative function.


Let \(X\) be a vector space over the field \(F\), and let \(|\,โ‹…\,|: F โ†’ [0,โˆž)\) be a valuation on \(F\). A norm on \(X\) is a function \(\|\;\|: X โ†’ [0, โˆž)\) that satisfies the following conditions:

  1. \(\|x + y\| โ‰ค \|x\| + \|y\|\), for all \(x, y โˆˆ X\);

  2. \(\|ฮฑ x\| = |ฮฑ| \|x\|\), for all \(x โˆˆ X\) and \(ฮฑ โˆˆ F\);

  3. \(\|x\| = 0\) if and only if \(x = 0\).

Thus, a norm is a seminorm satisfying: \(\|x\| = 0\) only if \(x = 0\).

normed linear space

A normed linear space (or normed vector space) is a pair \((X, \|\,โ‹…\,\|)\) consisting of a vector space \(X\) and a norm \(\|\,โ‹…\,\|\) defined on \(X\).

normed vector space

See normed linear space.

nowhere dense

A set \(G\) is nowhere dense in \(X\) if the closure of \(G\) contains no nonempty open subsets of \(X\). Equivalently, the interior of the closure of \(G\) is empty (in symbols, \(Gฬ„^o = โˆ…\)).

nullary operation

An operation \(f\) on a set \(A\) is called nullary if the arity of \(f\) is 0; that is, \(f: () โ†’ A\); equialently, \(f\) takes no arguments, so is simply a (constant) element of \(A\).


Let \(โŸจ X, โ‰ค โŸฉ\) be a preordered set. An ฯ‰-chain is an enumerable chain; that is, a chain the elements that can be indexed by the natural numbers.

ฯ‰-chain cocomplete

A preorder in which joins of all ฯ‰-chains exist is called ฯ‰-chain cocomplete.

ฯ‰-chain cocomplete poset

an antisymmetric ฯ‰-chain cocomplete preorder.

open ball

Let \((X, d)\) be a metric space. If \(x โˆˆ X\) and \(r > 0\) are fixed, then the set denoted and defined by \(B(x, r) = \{y โˆˆ X โˆฃ d(x,y) < r\}\) is called the open ball with center \(x\) and radius \(r\).

open covering

See covering.

open mapping

Let \(X\) and \(Y\) be metric or topological spaces. A set function \(T: ๐’ซ(X) โ†’ ๐’ซ(Y)\) is called an open mapping if \(T(G)\) is open in \(Y\) for every open \(G โŠ† X\).

open set

A subset \(V\) of a metric or topological space is called open if for every \(x โˆˆ V\) there is an open ball contained in \(V\) that contains \(x\).

For a metric space \((X,d)\) this means that a set \(V\) is open iff for every \(x โˆˆ V\) there exists \(ฮด > 0\) such that

\[B(x,ฮด) := \{y โˆˆ X โˆฃ d(x,y) < ฮด\} โŠ† V\]

For a topological space \((X, ฯ„)\) the open sets are the sets belonging to the topology \(ฯ„\).

operator norm

If \(X\) and \(Y\) are normed linear spaces, then the space \(๐”…(X,Y)\) of bounded linear transformations is a vector space and the function \(T โ†ฆ \|T\|\) defined by

\[\|T\| = \sup \{ \|Tx\| : \|x\| = 1 \}\]

is a norm on \(๐”…(X,Y)\), called the operator norm.

There are other, equivalent ways to express the operator norm; e.g.,

\[\|T\| = \sup \{ \frac{\|Tx\|}{\|x\|} : x โ‰  O\} = \inf \{ C : \|Tx\| โ‰ค C\|x\| \text{ for all } x\}.\]
opposite category

Given a category \(\mathcal C\) the opposite (or dual) category \(\mathcal C^{\mathrm{op}}\) has the same objects as \(\mathcal C\) and whenever \(f: A โ†’ B\) is a morphism in \(\mathcal C\) we define \(f : B โ†’ A\) to be a morphism in \(\mathcal C^{\mathrm{op}}\).

orthogonal set

Let \((X, โŸจโ‹…, โ‹…โŸฉ)\) be an inner product space. A subset \(Q โŠ† X\) is called orthogonal provided \(โŸจ ๐ฎ, ๐ฏ โŸฉ = 0\) for all \(๐ฎ โ‰  ๐ฏ\) in \(Q\).

orthonormal basis

A maximal orthonormal set in a Hilbert space is known as an orthonormal basis.

orthonormal set

Let \((X, โŸจโ‹…, โ‹…โŸฉ)\) be an inner product space. An orthogonal set \(U โŠ† X\) is called orthonormal provided \(\|u\| = 1\) for all \(๐ฎ โˆˆ U\).

In other terms, a subset \(Q โŠ† X\) is called orthonormal provided for all \(๐ฎ, ๐ฏ โˆˆ Q\),

\[\begin{split}โŸจ ๐ฎ, ๐ฏ โŸฉ = \begin{cases} 0,& ๐ฎ โ‰  ๐ฏ,\\ 1,& ๐ฎ = ๐ฏ. \end{cases}\end{split}\]

Every inner product space has a maximal orthonormal set.

outer measure

An outer measure on a nonempty set \(X\) is a function \(ฮผ^โˆ—: ๐’ซ(X) โ†’ [0, โˆž]\) that satisfies

  1. \(ฮผ^โˆ— โˆ… = 0\),

  2. \(ฮผ^โˆ— A โ‰ค ฮผ^โˆ— B\) if \(A โŠ† B โŠ† X\),

  3. \(ฮผ^โˆ—\bigl(โ‹ƒ_{i=1}^โˆž A_i\bigr) โ‰ค โˆ‘_{i=1}^โˆž ฮผ^โˆ— A_i\) if \(A_i โŠ† X\) for all \(1 โ‰ค i โ‰ค โˆž\).

parallel morphisms

Morphisms \(f,g : A โ†’ B\) are called parallel morphisms just in case \(\mathrm{src} f = \mathrm{src} g\) and \(\mathrm{tar} f = \mathrm{tar} g\).

partial function

A partial function from \(A\) to \(B\) is a total function on some (potentially proper) subset \(\dom_f\) of \(A\).

partial order

See partial order.

partial ordering

A partial ordering (or โ€œpartial orderโ€) is an antisymmetric preorder.

partially ordered set

A partially ordered set (or โ€œposetโ€) \(โŸจX, RโŸฉ\) is a set \(X\) along with a partial ordering \(R\) defined on \(X\).


Given a category with an initial object \(\mathbf{1}\) and another object \(A\), the morphisms with domain \(\mathbf{1}\) and codomain \(A\) are called the points or global elements of \(A\).

pointwise limit

Let \(f_n: X โ†’ [-โˆž, โˆž]\) for each \(nโˆˆ โ„•\). If the limit \(f(x) = \lim_{nโ†’โˆž} f_n(x)\) exist at every \(x โˆˆ X\), then we call \(f: X โ†’ โ„\) the pointwise limit of the sequence \(\{f_n\}\).


A poset \(โŸจX, โŠ‘โŸฉ\) consists of a set \(X\) and an antisymmetric preorder \(โŠ‘\) on \(X\).

positive measure

See measure.

positive part

The positive part of \(f: X โ†’ [-โˆž, โˆž]\) is the function that is denoted and defined for each \(xโˆˆ X\) by \(f^+(x) = \max\{f(x),0\}\).

Observe that \(f\) is measurable if and only if both the positive and negative parts of \(f\) are measurable. Also, \(f^+, f^-: X โ†’ [0, โˆž]\), \(f = f^+ - f^-\), and \(|f| = f^+ + f^-\).

powerset functor

The (covariant) powerset functor is a functor \(P: \mathbf{Set} โ†’ \mathbf{Set}\) such that for each morphism \(f: A โ†’ B\) the morphism \(P f : ๐’ซ(A) โ†’ ๐’ซ(B)\) is given by \(P f(S) = \{f(x): x โˆˆ S\}\) for each \(S โŠ† A\).

power set operator

The powerset operator \(๐’ซ\) maps a class \(X\) to the class \(๐’ซ (X)\) of all subsets of \(X\).


A preorder on a set \(X\) is a reflexive and transitive subset of \(X ร— X\).


See respects.


Given two objects \(A\) and \(B\) a product of \(A\) and \(B\) is defined to be an object, \(A ร— B\), along with morphisms \(ฯ€_1: A ร— B โ†’ A\) and \(ฯ€_2: A ร— B โ†’ B\) such that for every object \(X\) and all morphisms \(f: X โ†’ A\) and \(g: X โ†’ B\) there exists a unique morphism \(โŸจf,gโŸฉ: X โ†’ A ร— B\) such that \(p_1 โˆ˜ โŸจf,gโŸฉ = f\) and \(p_2 โˆ˜ โŸจf,gโŸฉ = g\).

product ฯƒ-algebra

Let \((X, ๐”, ฮผ)\) and \((Y, ๐”‘, ฮฝ)\) be measure spaces. If we want to make the product \(X ร— Y\) into a measurable space, we naturally consider the ฯƒ-algebra generated by the sets in \(๐” ร— ๐”‘ = \{A ร— B โŠ† X ร— Y โˆฃ A โˆˆ ๐”, B โˆˆ ๐”‘\}\), and we define \(๐” โŠ— ๐”‘ := ฯƒ(๐” ร— ๐”‘)\); that is, \(๐” โŠ— ๐”‘\) is the ฯƒ-algebra generated by \(๐” ร— ๐”‘\). 4

product topology

Let \(\{(X_ฮป, ฯ„_ฮป)\}_{ฮปโˆˆ ฮ›}\) be a collection of topological spaces indexed by a set \(ฮ›\). The product topology on the Cartesian product \(โˆ_{ฮปโˆˆ ฮ›}X_ฮป\) is the topology that has a base consisting of sets of the form \(โˆ_{ฮปโˆˆฮ›}V_ฮป\), where \(V_ฮป โˆˆ ฯ„_ฮป\) and \(V_ฮป = X_ฮป\) for all but finitely many \(ฮป\).

Equivalently, the product topology is the weakest topology that makes all the projection maps \(ฯ€_ฮป(\mathbf x) = x_ฮป\) continuous. In other words, if \(ฮ \) denotes the clone of all projection operations on \(โˆ_{ฮป โˆˆ ฮ›} X_ฮป\), then the product topology is the \(ฮ \)-topology.

projection operation

The \(i\) is denoted by \(ฯ€^k_i: (k โ†’ A) โ†’ A\) and defined for each \(k\)-tuple \(a: k โ†’ A\) by \(ฯ€^k_i \, a = a\, i\).

projection operator

If \(ฯƒ: k โ†’ n\) is a \(k\)-tuple of numbers in the set \(n = \{0, 1, \dots, n-1\}\), then we can compose an \(n\)-tuple \(a โˆˆ โˆ_{0โ‰คi<n} A_i\) with \(ฯƒ\) yielding \(a โˆ˜ ฯƒ โˆˆ โˆ_{0โ‰คi<k} A_{ฯƒ\, i}\).

The result is a \(k\)-tuple whose \(i\)-th component is \((a โˆ˜ ฯƒ)(i) = a(ฯƒ(i))\).

If \(ฯƒ\) happens to be one-to-one, then we call the following a projection operator:

\[\Proj\, ฯƒ: โˆ_{0โ‰คi< n} A_i โ†’ โˆ_{0โ‰คi<k} A_{ฯƒ\, i}; \ \ a โ†ฆ a โˆ˜ ฯƒ.\]

That is, for \(a โˆˆ โˆ_{0โ‰คi<n} A_i\) we define \(\Proj\,ฯƒ\, a = a โˆ˜ ฯƒ\).

proposition extensionality

This axiom asserts that when two propositions imply one another, they are actually equal. This is consistent with set-theoretic interpretations in which any element a:Prop is either empty or the singleton set {*}, for some distinguished element *. The axiom has the effect that equivalent propositions can be substituted for one another in any context.


If \(R\) is an equivalence relation on \(A\), then the quotient of \(A\) modulo \(R\) is denoted by \(A/R\) and is defined to be the collection \(\{ a/R โˆฃ a โˆˆ A \}\) of equivalence classes of \(R\).

Radon-Nikodym derivative

We denote the function \(h\) that appears in the Radon-Nikodym theorem by \(dฮป_a/dฮผ\), which is called the Radon-Nikodym derivative of \(ฮป_a\) with respect to \(ฮผ\), and we have \(dฮป_a = \frac{dฮป_a}{dฮผ} dฮผ\).

Strictly speaking, \(dฮป_a/dฮผ\) is the equivalence class of functions that are equal to \(h\) (\(ฮผ\)-a.e.).


Given two algebras \(๐”ธ\) and \(๐”น\), we say that \(๐”น\) is a reduct of \(๐”ธ\) if both algebras have the same universe and \(๐”น\) can be obtained from \(๐”ธ\) by removing operations.


A binary relation \(R\) on a set \(X\) is called reflexive provided \(โˆ€ x โˆˆ X, \ x \mathrel{R} x\).


Given sets \(A\) and \(B\), a relation from \(A\) to \(B\) is a subset of \(A ร— B\).

relational product

Given relations \(R : A โ†’ B\) and \(S : B โ†’ C\) we denote and define the relational product (or composition) of \(S\) and \(R\) to be \(S โˆ˜ R = \{(a,c) : (โˆƒ b โˆˆ B) a \mathrel{R} b โˆง b \mathrel{S} c \}\).

relational structure

A relational structure \(๐”ธ = โŸจA, โ„›โŸฉ\) is a set \(A\) together with a collection \(โ„›\) of relations on \(A\).

relative topology

If \((X, ฯ„)\) is a topological space and \(Y โŠ† X\), then \(ฯ„_Y := \{V โˆฉ Y โˆฃ V โˆˆ ฯ„\}\) is a topology on \(Y\), called the relative topology induced by \(ฯ„\).


Given a function \(f: ฮฑ โ†’ ฮฑ\), we say that \(f\) respects (or preserves) the binary relation \(R โŠ† ฮฑ ร— ฮฑ\), and we write \(f โŠง R\), just in case \(โˆ€ x, y :ฮฑ \ (x \mathrel R y \ โ†’ \ f x \mathrel R f y)\).

(The symbol โŠง is produced by typing \models.)

If \(f: (ฮฒ โ†’ ฮฑ) โ†’ ฮฑ\) is a \(ฮฒ\)-ary operation on \(ฮฑ\), we can extend the definition of โ€œ\(f\) respects \(R\)โ€ in the obvious way.

First, for every pair \(u : ฮฒ โ†’ ฮฑ\) and \(v : ฮฒ โ†’ ฮฑ\) (\(ฮฒ\)-tuples of \(ฮฑ\)), we say that \((u, v)\) โ€œbelongs toโ€ \(R โŠ† ฮฑ ร— ฮฑ\) provided

\[โˆ€ i: ฮฒ \ ui \mathrel R vi\]

Then we say \(f: (ฮฒ โ†’ ฮฑ) โ†’ ฮฑ\) respects (or preserves) the binary relation \(R โŠ† ฮฑ ร— ฮฑ\), and we write \(f โŠง R\), just in case \(โˆ€ u, v, \ [(โˆ€ i: ฮฒ, \ u i \mathrel R v i) \ โ†’ \ f u \mathrel R f v]\).


todo: insert definition


todo: insert definition

right module

A right module \(M\) over a ring \(R\) isโ€ฆ


An algebra \(โŸจR, \{0, -, +, โ‹…\}โŸฉ\) is called a ring just in case the following conditions hold:

  1. the reduct \(โŸจR, \{0, -,+\}โŸฉ\) is an abelian group,

  2. the reduct \(โŸจR, โ‹… โŸฉ\) is a semigroup, and

  3. โ€œmultiplicationโ€ \(โ‹…\) distributes over โ€œadditionโ€ \(+\); that is, \(โˆ€ a, b, c โˆˆ R\), \(a โ‹… (b+c) = a โ‹… b + a โ‹… c\) and \((a+b)โ‹… c = a โ‹… c + b โ‹… c\).

ring of sets

A nonempty collection \(R\) of subsets of a set \(X\) is said to be a ring if \(A, B โˆˆ R\) implies \(A โˆช B โˆˆ R\) and \(A-B โˆˆ R\).

ring with unity

A ring with unity (or unital ring) is an algebra \(โŸจR, \{0, 1, -, +, โ‹…\}โŸฉ\) with a ring reduct \(โŸจR, \{0, -, +, โ‹…\}โŸฉ\) and a multiplicative identity \(1 โˆˆ R\); that is \(โˆ€ r โˆˆ R\), \(r โ‹… 1 = r = 1 โ‹… r\).

second category

A set \(G\) is of the second category if it is not of the first category.


For a set \(E โŠ† X ร— Y\), the x-section of \(E\) at the point \(t\) is defined as follows:

\[G_t = \{y โˆˆ โ„: (x,y) โˆˆ E \text{ and } x=t\}.\]

A linear transformation of a Hilbert space \(โ„‹\) to itself is called self-adjoint just in case \(โˆ€ x, y โˆˆ โ„‹, โŸจx, TyโŸฉ = โŸจTx, yโŸฉ\).


A normed linear space \(X\) is called self-dual provided \(X โ‰… X^โˆ—\).

A category \(๐’ž\) is called self-dual if \(๐’ž^{\mathrm{op}} = ๐’ž\).


A magma whose binary operation is associative is called a semigroup. That is, a semigroup is a magma \(โŸจA, โ‹…โŸฉ\) whose binary operation satisfies \(โˆ€ a, b, c โˆˆ A\), \((a โ‹… b) โ‹… c = a โ‹… (b โ‹… c)\).


Let \(X\) be a vector space over the field \(F\). A seminorm on \(X\) is a function \(\|\;\|: X โ†’ [0, โˆž)\) that satisfies

  1. \(\|x + y\| โ‰ค \|x\| + \|y\|\), for all \(x, y โˆˆ X\);

  2. \(\|ฮฑ x\| = |ฮฑ| \|x\|\), for all \(x โˆˆ X\) and \(ฮฑ โˆˆ F\).

semiring of sets

A collection \(S\) of subsets of a nonempty set \(X\) is called a semiring if it satisfies the following properties:

  1. \(โˆ… โˆˆ S\);

  2. \(A, B โˆˆ S \; โŸน \; A โˆฉ B โˆˆ S\);

  3. \(A, B โˆˆ S \; โŸน \; โˆƒ C_1, \dots, C_n โˆˆ S\), \(A-B = โ‹ƒ_{i=1}^n C_i\) and \(โˆ€ iโ‰ j, \,C_i โˆฉ C_j = โˆ…\).


An infinite Hilbert space is called separable if it has a countable orthonormal basis.

separates the points

We say that a collection \(S\) of subsets of \(X\) separates the points of \(X\) if for every pair \(p, q\) of distinct points in \(X\) there exist disjoint sets \(S_1, S_2โˆˆ S\) such that \(p โˆˆ S_1\) and \(qโˆˆ S_2\).

Let \(F\) be a field. We say that a collection \(๐”„โŠ† F^X\) of \(F\)-valued functions separates the points of \(X\) if for every pair \(p, q\) of distinct points in \(X\) there exists \(f โˆˆ ๐”„\) such that \(f(u) โ‰  f (v)\).


A collection \(๐”\) of subsets of a nonempty set \(X\) is called a ฯƒ-algebra if it satisfies the following conditions:

  1. \(X โˆˆ ๐”\);

  2. if \(A โˆˆ ๐”\) then \(A^c:= X - A\) of \(A\) also belongs to \(๐”\).

  3. if \(A_n โˆˆ ๐”\) for \(n โˆˆ โ„•\), then \(โ‹ƒ_{n = 0}^โˆž A_n โˆˆ ๐”\).

Equivalently, a ฯƒ-algebra of sets is an algebra of sets that is closed under countable unions.

(For the algebraic meaning of the term \(ฯƒ\)-algebra, see the definition of algebraic structure.)

ฯƒ-finite measure

If \((X, ๐”, ฮผ)\) is a measure space, then \(ฮผ\) is a ฯƒ-finite measure provided \(X = โ‹ƒ_j E_j\) for some \(E_j โˆˆ ๐”\) such that \(ฮผ E_j < โˆž\) for all \(1โ‰ค j < โˆž\).


a pair \(ฯƒ = (F, ฯ)\) consisting of a collection \(F\) of operation symbols and an arity function \(ฯ : F โ†’ ฮฒ\) that maps each operation symbol to its arity; here, \(ฮฒ\) denotes the arity type.

signed measure

Let \((X, ๐”)\) be a measurable space. A signed measure on \((X, ๐”)\) is a function \(ฮฝ: ๐” โ†’ [-โˆž, โˆž]\) such that

  1. \(ฮฝ โˆ… = 0\);

  2. \(ฮฝ\) assumes at most one of the values \(ยฑโˆž\);

  3. \(ฮฝ\) is countably additive.

The last item means that

(60)ยถ\[ฮฝ(โ‹ƒ_j A_j) = โˆ‘_j ฮฝ(A_j)\]

whenever \(\{A_j\}\) is a collection of disjoint sets in \(๐”\).

Moreover, the sum on the right-hand side of (60) converges absolutely if the left-hand side of (60) is finite.

simple function

A complex- or real-valued function \(s\) whose range consists of only finitely many points is called a simple function.

Let \(s\) be a simple function with domain \(X\) and suppose \(ฮฑ_1, \dots, ฮฑ_n\) is the set of distinct values of \(s\). If we set \(A_i = \{x\in X : s(x) = \alpha_i\}\), then clearly

(61)ยถ\[s = โˆ‘_{i=1}^n ฮฑ_i ฯ‡_{A_i},\]

where \(ฯ‡_{A_i}\) is the characteristic function of the set \(A_i\).

The definition of simple function assumes nothing about the sets \(A_i\); thus, a simple function is not necessarily measurable.

Observe also that the function \(s\) in (61) is integrable if and only if each \(A_i\) has finite measure.

simplex category

See finite ordinals.

small category

A category is called small if its collections of objects and morphisms are sets.

source vertex

Given a directed graph \(\mathbf G = (V,E)\) and an edge \(e=(v_1,v_2) โˆˆ E\), we refer to \(v_1\) as the source vertex of \(e\).

step function

A finite linear combination of characteristic functions of bounded intervals of \(โ„\) is called a step function.


Let \(๐’ฎ = \{S_ฮป: ฮปโˆˆ ฮ›\}\) be a collection of sets and let \(R\) be a ring. A function \(s: ๐’ฎ โ†’ R\) is called subadditive if for every subset \(ฮ“ โŠ† ฮ›\) such that \(\{S_ฮณ : ฮณ โˆˆ ฮ“\}\) is a collection of subsets in \(๐’ฎ\), we have .. math:: s bigl( โ‹ƒ_{ฮณโˆˆฮ“} A_ฮณ bigr) โ‰ค โˆ‘_{ฮณโˆˆ ฮ“} s (A_ฮณ).


Suppose \(๐”ธ = โŸจA, F^๐”ธโŸฉ\) is an algebra. If \(B โ‰  โˆ…\) is a subuniverse of ๐”ธ, and if we let \(F^๐”น = \{ f โ†พ B : f โˆˆ F^๐”ธ \}\), then \(๐”น = โŸจ B, F^๐”น โŸฉ\) is an algebra, called a subalgebra of ๐”ธ.


If \(X\) is a dcpo then the subset \(A โŠ† X\) is a subdcpo of \(X\) if every directed subset \(D โŠ† A\) satisfies \(โ‹_X D โˆˆ A\).


Suppose \(๐”ธ = โŸจA, F^๐”ธโŸฉ\) is an algebra. If a subset \(B โŠ† A\) is closed under \(F^๐”ธ\), then we call \(B\) a subuniverse of \(๐”ธ\).


A binary relation \(R\) on a set \(X\) is called symmetric provided \(โˆ€ x, y โˆˆ X \ (x \mathrel{R} y \ โ†’ \ y \mathrel{R} x)\);

target vertex

Given a directed graph \(\mathbf G = (V,E)\) and an edge \(e=(v_1,v_2)\in E\), we refer to \(v_2\) as the target vertex of \(e\).

terminal object

An object \(\mathbf{1}\) is called a terminal (or bound) object if for every object \(A\) in the same category there exists a unique morphism \(โŸจ\ โŸฉ_A: A โ†’ \mathbf{1}\).

ternary operation

An operation \(f\) on a set \(A\) is called ternary if the arity of \(f\) is 3; that is, \(f: A ร— A ร— A โ†’ A\) (or, in curried form, \(f: A โ†’ A โ†’ A โ†’ A\)).


A topology \(ฯ„\) on a set \(X\) is a collection of subsets of \(X\) containing \(X\) and the empty set, and is closed under finite intersections and arbitrary unions. That is, \(ฯ„\) satisfies

  1. \(โˆ… โˆˆ ฯ„\) and \(X โˆˆ ฯ„\);

  2. \(\{V_i โˆฃ i = 1, \dots, n\} โŠ† ฯ„\) implies \(โ‹‚_{i=1}^n V_i โˆˆ ฯ„\);

  3. \(\{V_ฮฑ โˆฃ ฮฑ โˆˆ A\} โŠ† ฯ„\) implies \(โ‹ƒ_{ฮฑโˆˆA} V_ฮฑ โˆˆ ฯ„\).

topological space

A topological space is a pair \((X, ฯ„)\) where \(X\) is a set and \(ฯ„\) is a topology on \(X\).

total function

Given sets \(A\) and \(B\), a total function \(f\) from \(A\) to \(B\) is what we typically mean by a โ€œfunctionโ€ from \(A\) to \(B\).

total order

A total order relation \(R\) on a set \(X\) is a partial order on \(X\) satisfying \(โˆ€ x, y โˆˆ X \ (x โ‰ค y \ โ‹ \ y โ‰ค x)\).

totally bounded

A set \(E\) in a metric space is called totally bounded if for every \(ฮต > 0\) \(E\) can be covered with finitely many balls of radius \(ฮต\).


A binary relation \(R\) on a set \(X\) is called transitive provided \(โˆ€ x, y, z โˆˆ X \ (x \mathrel{R} y โˆง y \mathrel{R} z\ โ†’ \ x \mathrel{R} z)\).

translation invariance

Let \((X, ๐”)\) be a measurable space. Assume there is a binary operation defined on \(X\); e.g., addition \(+: Xร— X โ†’ X\). A measure \(ฮผ\) on \((X, ๐”)\) is called translation invariant provided \(ฮผ(E + x) = ฮผ E\) holds for all \(E โˆˆ ๐”\) and all \(xโˆˆ X\), where \(E+x := \{e+x โˆฃ eโˆˆ E\}\).

triangle inequality

Let \((X, \|\,โ‹…\,\|)\) be a metric or normed space. The inequality \(\|x + y\| โ‰ค \|x\| + \|y\|\), which holds for all \(x, y โˆˆ X\) in a metric or normed space, is called the triangle inequality. Equivalently (setting \(x = a-b\) and \(y = b-c\)), \(\|a - c\| โ‰ค \|a - b\| + \|b - c\|\).

type theory

Type theory internalizes the interpretation of intuitionistic logic proposed by Brouwer, Heyting, and Kolmogorovโ€”the so-called BHK interpretation. The types in type theory play a similar role to that of sets in set theory but functions definable in type theory are always computable.

(See also ncatlab.org/type+theory.)

unary operation

An operation \(f\) on a set \(A\) is called unary if the arity of \(f\) is 1; that is, \(f: A โ†’ A\).

underlying set functor

The underlying set functor of \(๐Œ\) is denoted by \(U(๐Œ)\), or by \(|๐Œ|\); it returns the universe of the structure \(๐Œ\), and for each morphism \(f\), \(Uf\) (or \(|f|\)) is \(f\) viewed simply as a function on sets.

uniformly continuous

Let \((X, |\, |_X)\) and \((Y, |\, |_Y)\) be metric spaces. A function \(f : X โ†’ Y\) is called uniformly continuous in \(E โŠ† X\) if

\[(โˆ€ ฮต >0)\, (โˆƒ ฮด >0)\, (โˆ€ x, x_0 โˆˆ E) \, (|x - x_0| < ฮด \, โŸน \, |f(x) -f(x_0)| < ฮต).\]

If \(โŸจR, \{0, 1, -, +, โ‹…\}โŸฉ\) is a unital ring, an element \(r โˆˆ R\) is called a unit if it has a multiplicative inverse, that is, there exists \(s โˆˆ R\) with \(r โ‹… s = 1 = s โ‹… r\). (We usually denote such an \(s\) by \(r^{-1}\).)

unital ring

See ring with unity.

unitary operator

A unitary operator (or unitary map) is an isomorphism in the category of Hilbert spaces.

Explicitly, if \(โ„‹_1\) and \(โ„‹_2\) are Hilbert spaces with inner products \(โŸจ\,.\,,\,.\,โŸฉ_1\) and \(โŸจ\,.\,,\,.\,โŸฉ_2\) (reps.), then a unitary operator from \(โ„‹_1\) to \(โ„‹_2\) is an invertible linear transformation \(U: โ„‹_1 โ†’ โ„‹_2\) that preserves inner products in the following sense:

\[โŸจU x, U yโŸฉ_2 = โŸจx, yโŸฉ_1 \; \text{ for all } x, y โˆˆ โ„‹_1.\]

By taking \(y = x\), we have \(\|U x\|_2 = \|x\|_1\).

universal image functor

the functor \(โˆ€ f : P(A) โ†’ P(B)\) defined by \(โˆ€ f (X) = \{y โˆˆ B : f^{-1}(\{y\}) \subseteq X\}\), for \(X โˆˆ P(A)\).

universal mapping property

Let \(ฮท_A : A โ†’ |๐”ธ^*|\) be the function that maps \(a โˆˆ A\) to the โ€œone-letter wordโ€ \(a โˆˆ A^*\). The functors \(K (= \ ^โˆ—)\) and \(U (= |\ |)\) are related by the universal mapping property of monoids, which says that for every monoid \(๐Œ\) and every function \(f : A โ†’ U ๐Œ\) there exists a unique morphism \(fฬ‚ : KA โ†’ ๐Œ\) such that \(f = fฬ‚ โˆ˜ ฮท\).

universal property

The unique morphism property of the initial object in a category is what we refer to as a universal property, and we say that the free object in a category \(๐’ž\) is โ€œuniversalโ€ for the category \(๐’ž\).


In type theory, everything has a typeโ€”even a type has a type. If ฮฑ is a type, then ฮฑโ€™s type is Type u for some universe u. More accurately, the u here is actually a variable and whatever (natural number) value it takes on will be the universe level of the type ฮฑ.

In universal algebra, the universe of an algebra is the set on which an algebra is defined; e.g., the universe of the algebra \(๐”ธ = โŸจA, F^๐”ธโŸฉ\) is \(A\). (N.B. we sometimes use the word carrier to mean universe in this sense, which can be helpful when we wish to avoid confusion with the universe levels in type theory.)

unique morphism property

See universal property.

upper limit

Let \(\{a_n\}\) be a sequence in \([-โˆž, โˆž]\), and put \(b_k = \sup \{a_k, a_{k+1}, \dots\}\) for \(kโˆˆ โ„•\) and \(ฮฒ = \inf \{b_0, b_1, b_2, \dots \}\). We call \(ฮฒ\) the upper limit (or limit superior) of \(\{a_n\}\), and write \(ฮฒ = \limsup\limits_{nโ†’ โˆž} a_n\). The lower limit, \(\liminf\limits_{nโ†’ \infty} a_n\) is definied similarly.

Observe that

  1. \(b_0 โ‰ฅ b_1 โ‰ฅ b_2 โ‰ฅ \cdots โ‰ฅ ฮฒ\) and \(b_k โ†’ ฮฒ\) as \(kโ†’ โˆž\);

  2. there is a subsequence \(\{a_{n_j}\}\) of \(\{a_n\}\) that converges to \(ฮฒ\) as \(jโ†’ โˆž\) and \(ฮฒ\) is the largest number with this property.

  3. \(\liminf\limits_{nโ†’โˆž} a_n = -\limsup\limits_{nโ†’โˆž} (- a_n)\).

Suppose \(\{f_n\}\) is a sequence of extended real-valued functions on a set \(X\). Then \(\sup\limits_n f_n\) and \(\limsup\limits_{nโ†’โˆž}f_n\) are the functions that are defined for each \(xโˆˆ X\) by

\[\left(\sup\limits_n f_n\right)(x) = \sup\limits_n (f_n(x)), \quad \left(\limsup\limits_n f_n\right)(x) = \limsup\limits_n (f_n(x)).\]

The absolute value for real numbers can generalised to an arbitrary field by considering the four fundamental properties of absolute value. Thus, a real-valued function \(ฮฝ\) on a field \(F\) is called a valuation if it satisfies the following four axioms:

  1. \(ฮฝ(a)โ‰ฅ 0\) (non-negativity);

  2. \(ฮฝ(a)=0 \; โŸบ \; a= \mathbf 0\) (positive-definiteness);

  3. \(ฮฝ(ab)=ฮฝ(a)ฮฝ(b)\) (multiplicativity);

  4. \(ฮฝ(a+b)โ‰ค ฮฝ(a)+v(b)\) (subadditivity).

Here \(\mathbf 0\) denotes the additive identity element of \(F\). It follows from properties 2 and 3 that \(ฮฝ(1) = \mathbf 1\), where \(\mathbf 1\) denotes the multiplicative identity element of \(F\). The real and complex absolute values are examples of valuations.


A variety (or equational class) of structures in the language \(L\) is one that can be axiomatized by a set of equations in \(L\).

vector space

If \(F\) is a field, then an \(F\)-module is called a vector space over \(F\).



The range of a complex measure is a subset of \(โ„‚\), while a positive measure takes values in \([0,โˆž]\). Thus the positive measures do not form a subclass of the complex measures.


See Rudin [Rud87] 1.35-6 for a nice discussion of the role played by sets of measure 0. To summarize that discussion, it may happen that there is a set \(N โˆˆ ๐”\) of measure 0 that has a subset \(E โŠ† N\) which is not a member of \(๐”\). Of course, weโ€™d like all subsets of measure 0 to be measurable and have measure 0. It turns out that in such cases we can extend \(๐”\) to include the offending subsets, assigning such subsets measure 0, and the resulting extension will remain a \(ฯƒ\)-algebra. In other words, we can always complete a measure space so that all subsets of negligible sets are measurable and negligible.


The use of this term is not quite standardized; some (e.g., Rudin [Rud87]) call any open set containing \(p\) a โ€œneighborhood of \(p\)โ€.


This notation is not completely standard. In [AB98] (pageย 154) for example, \(๐” โŠ— ๐”‘\) denotes what we call \(๐” ร— ๐”‘\), while \(ฯƒ(๐” โŠ— ๐”‘)\) denotes what we have labeled \(๐” โŠ— ๐”‘\). At the opposite extreme, Rudin (in [Rud87]) simply takes \(๐” ร— ๐”‘\) to be the ฯƒ-algebra generated by the sets \(\{A ร— B โˆฃ A โˆˆ ๐”, B โˆˆ ๐”‘\}\).

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